Trump isn't trying to seize power

I can’t believe Keeeeeed got the hook in the mouth of wily old ChrisV so easily. But here we are.


He’s just Keeeeedin around.


So, Keeed, against all odds, Pence does get up in front of congress and declare the election fraudulent and Trump the winner. SCOTUS, out of nowhere, agrees. Does Trump then drop the kayfabe and say, “Wait a minute folks. This was all just a joke. Joe Biden is president.” ?

Of course not

Then it’s absurd to call it fake or a joke when he’d gladly accept the outcome he’s plainly asking for. He may have extra motivation or backup plans that are also achievable when playing his hand this way, but his desire to seize power is the most definitely not fake.

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Checking in on this thread for the first time in a while and figured after yesterday’s events I’d see Keed admitting he was wrong on this one. Like there is no way someone with half a brain could have witnessed the attempted coup and not think Trump was trying to hold onto power, right? Lol me I guess.


I don’t see how that’s relevant to my point at all. Obviously he wants to be president and would gladly accept being president if a magical genie granted that wish. I’m saying he didn’t expect any of his actions in the past month to lead to that.

In the sport of American football, the so-called “Hail Mary” play is one where no one really expects it to work with appreciable probability. Indeed, it’s quite unlikely. But yet, teams do attempt them knowing full well how unlikely they are to succeed, and on the off chance one works, the team attempting it is happy to accept the result. So, would you say that a team attempting a Hail Mary as their last play of the game is trying to win the game, or not?


FFS I accidentally clicked on this thread. OMFG.

I go back to the mid-2000s on 2p2 and I honestly believe that SK is one of the worst posters I have ever seen on politics-alpha, politics-beta, and here. I would gladly read posts and engage with 10 Ikes and 10 AC’ers and 10 Inso’s rather than try to have a serious discussion with SK. His posting is completely indistinguishable from a disingenuous, contrarian troll who will not budge on any position no matter how ridiculous or how much it flies in the face of factual information (from what I can tell those are considered positives).

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SK is a weird mix of a terrible poster and a good poster. His main man Greenwald is the same, although mostly terrible for the last four years.

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He’s a good potato with bad eyes.



Yes he has and I don’t believe you. I guess it’s possible you so naturally gobble up his shit that you don’t even remember doing so.


I’m not sure how you’d tell the difference between Trump thinking his antics had a .1% chance of working and was doing them for the double effect of PR/grifting/saving face and the tiny chance of success and just doing the antics for PR/grifting/saving face knowing they were doomed to fail. It’s even less clear why that’s a significant distinction.

So Trump was merging his ranges?


triple range merge, correct

So, we have:

  • Trump purges Defense Department, installing incompetent loyalists
  • All 10 living former Defense Secretaries write a letter warning about the danger ahead
  • Trump calls GA guy (and lets be honest, definitely colludes with PA/WI GOP officials too) to try to get some announcement that he “won” those states
  • Trump pressures Pence to declare him the winner
  • Trump, for weeks, tells his MAGA army to descend on Washington on January 6th
  • On January 6th, he tells the MAGA army to storm the capitol and to “be strong”
  • The Capitol Police repeatedly refuse offers for reinforcement from other law enforcement
  • The Capitol Police lie to many Democratic congress people who express concern about security on January 6th
  • The Capitol Police are deliberately, woefully understaffed on January 6th, with several officers quite literally opening the gates to the protestors
  • Several of the MAGA army members are outfitted with guns, bombs, plastic handcuffs, etc.
  • After the MAGA army breaches the Capitol, the Defense Department refuses to deploy the national guard for two hours because of “optics,” keep in mind the MAGA army is posing for pictures in the actual fucking Senate during this time
  • MAGA army allowed to waltz out, regroup at the Embassy Suites and head to Cracker Barrel

Tell me more about how this wasn’t a coordinated (stupid and poorly executed, of course) attempt to seize power.


Have you only seen videos where they crop his hair out of frame or something?

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