Travel Addicts/Advice Thread

What I want is a good kebab place the next time I’m in SoCal. Any recs?

I don’t recall seeing many kebab places. Surinamese and Indonesian are good and abundant because of the history of Dutch colonization.

They’ll probably be called shawarma here, and I have yet to find a memorable one in LA. But I’m sure one exists.

Stroopwafels maybe?

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Assuming these are made fresh and not the version I get at REI, then yes please.

Not sure if want

I feel like Dave Chang has gone over his recommended kebob places in LA at some point on his podcast.

Am I wrong that kebab and shawarma are two names for roughly the same thing - some kind of meat and some veggies with something like a tahini sauce wrapped in lavash bread?

Oh yeah duh - @Melkerson go to Zankou Chicken. Seriously the best thing around. How could I forget about them?


I blame them for at least half my weight gain when I started my latest job. Just way way too easy to stop for dinner on my way home. Get extra garlic sauce.

Also this place is really good, but more sit down dining, whereas Zankhou is casual:

I think of shawarma as the spinning cone of mystery meat, like gyros.

That’s probably true. I don’t pay that much attention to where the meat comes from - just the finished burrito-like product.

I think this is correct. Shawarma is most similar to gyros or al pastor. Cooked on a vertical spit and then sliced off when ordered.

Kabobs are generally meat/vegetables on a skewer grilled horizontally.

Found the best jerk chicken I’ve ever had made by some wonderful old lady in a hut. Now the local brewery.


Where’s that located at? Never had the fortune of coming across it. (The chicken)

No you aren’t.

They call them shawarma in the UK but kebab in most other countries in Europe.

The Hideaway over by Smiths Reef. We went snorkeling there this morning and it was incredible. Swam with sea turtles, stingrays and more fish than I can describe.

Nice! Think I’ve done Coral Gardens Reef but not Smith’s. Smith’s is a little further out I think(?) and I’m a bad swimmer so I chicken out a bit, even with a vest. Will have to do it next time though because everyone mentions incredible sightings over there.

Booked our flights for January recently - can’t wait to get back!

My wife and I are thinking of flying into Zurich, renting a car, and explore the Swiss countryside while we slowly drive our way to Lyon over 7-10 days.

Does this send any of you more knowledgeable travelers into rage, internally yelling “no car, just use the train system dummy!” I do have the Ticket to Ride Switzerland board game.

We’ve also got no real plans other than I’ve never been to Switzerland and Lyon is the only major French city my wife has never been to, so any recommendations on what to do would be great.

Will do! We head back on Monday so I’ll do a mini TR after.