Travel Addicts/Advice Thread

Haven’t been, but I’d make a beeline for the Guggenheim, then Calatrava’s footbridge, and probably spend the rest of the time walking around looking at other cool buildings and eating. Granted that’s pretty much what I do in any city, but Bilbao should be particularly great for both activities.

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Hey I’m late to the party but Peruvian chicken is some incredible shit.



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I’d also make a day trip to San Sebastian and go up Monte Igueldo for an amazing view.

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I had a some kind of salty flank steak stuffed with cheese in Mongolia that was excellent. And the bread is really good. Other than that no memorable meals.

When are you coming to Seattle/Olympia? I’ll be your wheels if you buy me lunch.

Agree. Such a weird mixture of different cuisines.

I love it and seek it out anywhere I travel. (I don’t have a local option.)


Fatboy might drive you across the country if you buy him hot pot a couple times

This is the start of a good negotiation.

Can you get hot pot at Arby’s?

I don’t know but you can definitely get food poisoning for the price of a roast beef sandwich

Pretty awesome day kayaking through the mangroves of Turks and Caicos. The water and people here are amazing. (Not my toes)


Plenty of foot fetish joke material there…

This new Tarantino movie looks great.


Does Amsterdam have any quintessential street food? All I can think of is french fries and mayonnaise.

Saucijizenbroodjes and Poffertjes

Didn’t have them in the Netherlands, tho. I had them at some international food fair (so may not have been totally authentic). Had low expectations going into the Dutch section, these two definitely exceeded them.

I had these in the Netherlands, but I don’t recall seeing street vendors with them or people walking around with them. Dutch food is a strong contender for worst in Europe, or at least Western Europe, though. You’re better off looking for Surinamese or Indonesian food while you’re there.

I can do that. If I find a kebab place I like I’ll probably eat there multiple times