Travel Addicts/Advice Thread

Filipino food has a ton of foreign influence. You start with a Malay base. Add Chinese influence. Then Spanish, plus Mexican, because the Spanish came via Mexico. Finally, an American influence on top of that.

The thing is, it’s mainly a peasant cuisine that doesn’t translate well to restaurants. It’s best experienced as home cooking. It’s also not very light and almost second of spiciness, which goes against what is trendy.

Ha yeah, you’re right, “quite a few” is pulling some weight. 10% ?!

Maybe it’s the American influence that wrecked Filipino food, heh. They have certainly embraced American style fast food!

Only country in the world where McDonald’s is not the #1 fast food. (Well, Russia now.)



10 years ago I’d have agreed (although Monterrey was run by cartels at the time) but since then there has been a huge deterioration in safety in central Mexico, Quintana Roo, Estado de México, and western Mexico. I was personally in a medium-large bajío city when cartels blockaded it in 2020, Culiacán-style.

Fortunately, Monterrey is no longer a no-go zone, which is good because it’s both criminally underrated and I have to go there a lot.

Jollibee is the worst fast food I’ve ever had, and maybe the worst food I’ve ever had.


Quintana Roo still felt pretty reasonably safe when I was there last winter for a few months (mostly in PDC), the cartels don’t really seem to mess with the tourists at all.

Of course one business owner decided he wasn’t gonna pay any more bribes to the cartels and eventually a motorcycle stopped in front of his car in broad daylight and shot him up, so yeahhh…

This, minus the maybe

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Yeah, but have you tried the spaghetti with the banana ketchup sauce and sliced hot dogs?!

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Did you get a non-burger item?

lol wtf

Our unique spaghetti topped with Jollibee’s signature sweet-style sauce, loaded with chunky slices of savory ham, ground meat, and hotdog.

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I believe I got a Yumburger.


Yeah from everything I’ve read about the Yucatan, as a tourist you have to be pretty unlucky and get caught in a crossfire. Odds greatly increased if you’re hanging around outside of a club at 3am. Both of which also apply to the US these days.

Somehow it’s a lot scarier when it happens outside a club in Cancun at 3am than outside a club in Philly at 3am.

Yea the odds of a tourist getting caught in the gang violence is obviously extremely small, but if it does happen it gives the scaredy cat conservative types more fuel that ALL of Mexico is a horribly violent shithole overrun by the cartels. So even less derpers to deal with in Mexico, fine by me.

Just tell them their odds of being killed by a gang is less than their odds of dying of COVID.

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I feel like I would need to know the method of killing before I could choose what my last meal would be. For example, if it was the electric chair I would just ask for a couple of pounds of unpopped popcorn. Give em a show imo.

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Despite its overrated status on this thread, superb Japanese food can be found in every nook and cranny of the country.

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I don’t think anyone doubts that Japan isn’t on the list of such countries. Probably at the top.

looks like i’m going to bilbao. anyone have any recommendations?