Travel Addicts/Advice Thread

If someone comes to visit from Europe or Japan you should really take them to the Cheesecake Factory for the true American dining experience.

  1. Snacking culture doesn’t really exist.

At least in France I noticed that people rarely snack between meals. They love pastries, cheeses, breads, wines, tons of fattening items, but once a meal is over it’s not like they’re knocking out half a bag of Lays or cookies while waiting for the next meal.


Last time at CF they gave me an entire plate of spaghetti under my chicken. Felt like a few boxes worth. So ridiculous.

Ever since I’ve lost weight I’ve found surprisingly that the recommended 2oz of pasta is enough for me when it’s part of a balanced meal with vegetables, a protein, and sauce.

If you are having trouble with potion control, here is a helpful hint - eat one of those little kitchen sponges before every meal. No calories and they really make you feel full.

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a little extra eye of newt can also help


got a sudden chance to go to Chicago for the first time for the salesforce conference in June, any suggested places to try? only in town 4 nights.

My favorite restaurant in Chicago when I lived there. Probably not too close to where you will be staying, but I love the southport corridor for a lot of things too. Last went there in 2019, it was still great then.

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Parachute (New-style Korean Food)
Girl and the Goat (if you walk in right as they open you can usually sit at the bar and get in without a Reservation)


There were some recs up thread, in addition to what people have said here:

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Looks like McCormick Place directly east of Chinatown?

We were having a nice visit in Portugal until …


Not sure if you are a beer person, but if so - Moody Tongue for dinner (Michelin Star brewery) then walk over to Duneyyr Fermenta Brewery for some really really good beers in a low key setting. I stumbled randomly in there last trip to Chicago and was blown away.

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Actually, Portugal’s socialist party has a simple majority in their Parliament.

Not the case for their communist party.

It’s easy to get their top two parties confused: the Socialist Party and the Social Democratic Party.

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Average American: “They have three communist parties?”


I did actually see a separate Socialist party billboard but we were driving by in an Uber.

Lisbon is a fun city. It’s small but has lots of “stuff”.


Also Lisbon’s pastry game is off the charts. Natas, ldo, but many other great pastries. There’s a patisserie every 100 feet or so in the tourist area.


definitely going to look into that

I like Lisbon, the nightlife there was fun. Food is pretty bad though, unfortunately.

Edit: I’m not really a pastries guy so I can’t speak to that, but the restaurants were not great.