Travel Addicts/Advice Thread

Isn’t this exactly what they do? There is a price for getting to choose from what they have and a slightly lower price for taking whatever they feel like giving you.

Just with an order of torment on the side.

Anyone have recommendations for a resort in Cabo San Lucas? Looking to spend a week somewhere and didn’t want to go to Hawaii again. Wife and I are very much get drunk by the pool and eat well type of vacationers.

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I’ve flown a ton on Spirit from Chicago to various places this year, mostly midweek, always with a small backpack, usual price is $40-60. I literally have not had one bad experience, my longest delay was maybe 30 minutes. I don’t get the Spirit hate! For a light traveler, Spirit is the best <3

I think the hate for low-cost carriers comes from how much worse the experience is compared to legacy carriers when something actually does go wrong, like a cancellation. As long as you don’t mind less comfortable seats, airlines like Spirit and Frontier are fine when they’re on-time.

It’s a very very small percentage of flights that get cancelled, but I suppose the ones that do are very memorable. I have no idea what happens when a Spirit flight gets cancelled, fingers crossed it stays that way :grin:

Having looked around on the internet, it looks like Spirit sucks if you’re dumb and can’t anticipate fees, if you’re tall/big and won’t fit easily in their seats, if you can’t pack light or pay for bags, if you have checked bags period, if you want to sleep on the plane with the uncomfortable non-reclining seats, or if you’re high maintenance.

Other than that, it’s fine, especially if you like saving money.

We stayed at this place when they had a deal and liked it a lot:

The food and pool were great. And we also liked having our own kitchen to make some meals. It’s mostly timeshare people but they rent out the rooms like hotels when they aren’t being used. They asked us once to see a presentation but there was no pressure other than that.

If not this, there’s a lot of other places like this.

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I’m the perfect customer :grin:. Check no bags, be the last one on the plane, watch a movie on my phone for 2 hours, maybe get a Bloody Mary, exit the aircraft 1,000+ miles away from where I started. What’s not to love?!

I hate wrestling my suitcase all over the airport and the plane. I actually like checking it so I can just worry about my backpack. I know I’m in the minority on that.

Yea, i mean bypassing the checkin counter and not having to wait for your bag at baggage claim is pretty nice…

80% of the time now my bag beats me to the carousel. But the other 20% can suck.

I had a 30-minute delay at a carousel flying Spirit once. They seem to get complaints for being slower than other airlines for that.

They seem to be lowest man on the totem pole when it comes to getting into an open gate upon arrival, most of my waits have come from taxiing waiting for a gate to open up.

No idea what the waits for claiming a bag are like

I have a bag that I can check or put in the overhead. Think I’ll be doing the overhead for Spirit.

Have gained 8 pounds and counting on this trip back to the U.S. so far.


I think one of life’s great paradoxes is how the Japanese are immersed in such amazing food, including not being shy about deep frying things or using sugar in non-dessert foods, and yet remain so thin on average as a society.

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I think it boils down to three things:

  1. Genetics. Japanese do have slighter builds overall.
  2. Portion sizes. They’re much, much smaller in Japan.
  3. Walking. Especially in the big cities, people walk…a lot.

Portion sizes jumps out at me. I was always a little disappointed in Japan when I got my food. But then an hour later I didn’t feel like I need to take a nap.

Europe is similar. They eat all the good stuff but just in reasonable portions.

Americans feel cheated if we don’t waddle away from the table in pain.

There are several casual food places by me that I would eat at a lot more if they offered a half order. I hate wasting food. And once I start I hit that tipping point at about 2/3 where I might as well just eat the whole thing. But then the self-loathing sets in. Or if I do eat half, the leftovers are calling me from the fridge every 5 minutes. My only strategy is just to avoid.

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for 90% of americans, the number 1 criteria they use when evaluating a restaurant is portion size, and it’s absolutely always “more = better”