Travel Addicts/Advice Thread

As compared to Italian food, which neither requires specialized equipment (save for possibly a brick or pizza oven) nor even top-notch knife or pan skills.

Yeah but there has to be some magic in there thatā€™s hard to replicate.


Had my first real carbonara (inspired by CS04) tonight. Incredible.


Donā€™t even care about the carbonara part of it, those noodles look amazing.

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I cannot address whether or not people in the US should be able to make pizza like I had in Italy, I only know that I havenā€™t had any.

You can hypothesize about the cause. Which do you think is more likely:

  1. It exists, but you havenā€™t had it.
  2. It doesnā€™t exist.

I went to a good place somewhere in the LA metro a few yrs ago. I think it was one of Bataliā€™s restaurants. I havenā€™t been to Italy in a long time, so I canā€™t really compare well.

Itā€™s not the water or the magic tomatoes. Itā€™s because you are happy, on vacation in some amazing place and didnā€™t have to go to work today. Food is an experience.


Hanging out with my great great grandfather, Clemente, in the lobby of the Covo di Saraceni hotel in Positano.

Restaurant at the Covo, which used to be Clementeā€™s house. Billy Zane and Marissa Tomei ate dinner here in the movie Only You. Lots of Talented Mr. Ripley was filmed here too.

My street (partially obscured by vines)

Sadly the old timers I met when I visited multiple times from 2002 to 2010 donā€™t seem to be around much anymore. One distant cousin I knew moved to the states. But a couple others are still around. Everyone says the number of tourists is insane now.


US passports online renewal are live apparently! I had to mail mine earlier this year and it actually came back much quicker than estimated.

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oh hell yeah thanks, my wifeā€™s expires in about a year so I need to get that reupped

Iā€™m going to be in Milan for a couple weeks in early November. Iā€™m very open to visiting other cities from Turin to Ravenna with Milan as the base. Iā€™ve been to Milan once before, but only for a day or so. Anything a must see in north Italy?

Venice has little appeal to me, Iā€™m mostly interested in the Po valley area.

It took this long to make it an online process? Wow.

That said, Iā€™m super happy. Mine still has a couple of years left.

Lake Como. Take the ferry and visit the small villages along the coast of it. I think some will be effectively shut down since itā€™s off-season but I went during off-season and it was worth it.

I wasnā€™t particularly impressed by Milan. Itā€™s basically what you get when Italians build their own New York City. But still nice for a couple of days. Definitely walk on the Duomo.

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Itā€™s crazy that Naples doesnā€™t have a train from the central train station to the airport, which isnā€™t that far away. Thatā€™s some American shit.

True story: Neither does Prague

Gotta either pay extra for the airport express bus from the main station or you can take the metro to a public bus line which goes to the airport.

Or just be me and use a Bolt

Yeah thereā€™s a bus. But bus with baggage is sometimes no fun. Or I can spend $30 for a taxi as the last expense on a trip where Iā€™ve already spent $1000s.

If you find yourself short of destinations, some unbelievable destinations in Switzerland are easily accessible from Milan via train.

I assume Berlin has S/U Bahn access to BER, the last time I went there (2016?) I was pretty shocked they didnā€™t have it to TXL


So much for my plans to watch 9 hours of NFL games on my flight. Not that I expected it to work anyway. I canā€™t remember the last time wifi worked on an international flight. At least theyā€™re letting me know up front this time.

And thatā€™s just the first miracle that would need to happen for me to watch NFL. Theyā€™d have to allow some kind of streaming, and have the speed for streaming, and my IP address would allow the $20 Euro package, or I guess illegal streams.

Oh yeah, and my electrical outlet has to work, which it did not for the flight from LA to Paris. It worked for everyone else. But my Mac didnā€™t trust the power source or something ridiculous. I got it to work once but then nothing could get it working again.