Travel Addicts/Advice Thread

The basic model for air travel now is that the baseline experience is awful and demeaning, they add a “premium” service that is really just basic human decency for an extra $100 or something like that, and then the people that pay the $100 feel great for a while, and then later the “premium” thing becomes overrun by people using Air Miles and credit card points systems to get it for “free” and then it sucks. Airport “premium” lounges now are just like waiting at the gate - everybody’s crammed in, kids running around, garbage everywhere - except that you can go grab a Coke from the fridge if you want.

The New Yorker had a great article about this a while back terming the phenomenon as “premiocre” which is absolutely perfect.



Leaving in two weeks for 4 days in London, 2 in Lille France (my wife is a francophile and really wants to stop there) then 3 in Amsterdam.

I’m all ears for anything to do or eat in any of those 3 cities. Planned:
-typical tourist stuff in London
-Wife and Kid are going to the Harry Potter sets, I got out of that, so I’m going to amble around by myself on Saturday. I might go see Queen’s Park Rangers play.
-Fulham v Liverpool match
-Kid has been dying to see Hamilton live, so we’re going to see that in the West End. I don’t know if it’s just her friend group but these pre-teens LOVE Hamilton.
-Peak Tulip in Amsterdam, so we’re going to Keukenhof.
-Last full day in Amsterdam is King’s Day, so it’ll be a huge party.


Just toured the penis museum. Lots of animal penises, some art, folk tales, etc. About what you expect. Feeling nauseous now after looking at all the dismembered penii in jars.

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If you enjoy crying and being reminded that people can be awful, there is the Anne Frank House in Amsterdam.

Make sure you sign up way in advance.

Sounds like a pretty great trip. I don’t have much to add, but Brouwerij 't IJ Is a pretty great spot for a beer in Amsterdam.

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It’s too late already, they’re sold out through mid-May.

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It’s on my list! Our hotel is within walking distance, thanks!

Yeah, unfortunately we missed it on Anne Frank’s house.

Ok our tour guide tonight confirmed that all the formaldehyde makes him nauseous. It wasn’t the penii!

Sperm whale penis, apparently it can get up to 13’ and weight 800 lbs. Also saw Bjork’s house and the president of Iceland waved at us from his driveway.


Did your mom like it?

Managed to sneak away w/o mom.

“300 pound dick with a preserved whale penis” jkjk <3

What’s the vibe like is it all immature perverts giggling to themselves or is it a serious thing?

I think I actually found my dream job. Imagine working here and giving tours Disney jungle cruise style and just getting paid to make dick jokes all day. Would never get old.

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A little bit of both when I went (though this was 15 years ago when the museum was in Husavik).

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If you like penises, Japan has a number of festivals devoted to the male phallus.

Is there a futanari festival?

I had to look that up and now I can’t unsee it.

We bring a pillow each, even if flying

Well, then, you should definitely not look up yaoi.