Travel Addicts/Advice Thread

That may be, however, when your diet is as limited as Iron’s is, you should probably sit this discussion out.

Never heard of any of those Portuguese dishes.

Netherlands shouldn’t be on any good cuisine list. Had to go to the site to find they are ranked because of the hard cheeses which are great but bread and cheese is not much of a cuisine.

Cheeseburger, fried chicken, NY pizza, BBQ. And of course Skyline Chili.

And then yeah Southern, Creole, Tex-Mex, other subcultures I’m forgetting.

Ah yes, so many delicious elk meals I’ve had growing up in the US, at least when I’m not eating lobster and three kinds of salmon.

I’m starting to question the scientific rigor behind this top 100 list.

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Taste is incredible. But carbs, carbs, and more carbs. Just can’t do it at this stage of my life.

I think Iron was asking me one time if there’d be enough American restaurants in Mexico City (one of the great food cities in the world) that he could get by eating just that.

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South Korea too low, Eastern Europe too high, El Salvador should find itself somewhere in the top 50, South Africa too

But the most criminally underrated: Ethiopia. Both the diaspora restaurants around the world and the cuisine in Ethiopia itself are great.

At a glance, the list contains way too many countries full of white people. Not sure why.

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I’m not sure how much being founded by a Croatian explains some of your complaints.

First off, this is the first of these lists that does a reasonable job. I’ve seen a lot that are barely better than a random ordering of cuisines.

Agree with most of the comments in here. I was surprised that Suzz mentioned one great Peruvian dish and it WASN’T ceviche. Although I do tend to agree that while they have some great dishes, the variety is a mere fraction of what you’d get from Mexican cuisine.

I should note that I’m not a super high end diner, I rarely spend more than $50 for dinner + drinks, so it probably changes my perception quite a bit. France, for example would likely be higher on my list otherwise.

Of the places I’ve lived in for a couple months or more:

Mexico - My #1 cuisine. I think the variety of dishes would astonish people who aren’t familiar with it.

Canada - probably accurate. Like USA, it’s tough to differentiate what exactly is Canadian or not. Montréal is an excellent food city though.

New Zealand - probably the worst food situation of anywhere I’ve lived, but not on list. Australia probably a similar situation and they’re #50

France - seems about accurate. Wasn’t my favorite, but it’s up there. I lived in Lyon and the bouchon scene is excellent (basically local restaurants that only list a couple dishes on the menu, but they’re usually excellent).

Georgia - seems about right. They have some solid dishes, but not a ton of variety, especially if you’re a fan of breads. Also might have the best claim to being the birthplace of wine that I’ve seen.

Colombia - On second thought, maybe NZ isn’t the worst food. Colombian food is just straight garbage and it being on the list is probably the biggest travesty. Every dish is like 20 varieties of meat, beans, plantains, rice, etc. Usually very poorly season. I love soups and I knew I was fucked when the local Bogotá girl I was hanging out was raving about the ajiaco at this one restaurant and it was bland as hell.

Brazil - seems about right, maybe a tad too high. Açaí is my #1 dessert OAT and it’s not even close (ok maybe gelato), but açaí is seriously a gift from the gods.

Italy - I could eat pasta and pizza every day for the rest of my life, but I think it should prob be in the 4-5 range.

Peru - maybe a tad overrated like Suzz said, but the highlights are excellent. Ceviche might be my favorite dish.

Poland - I was pleasantly surprised. I actually thought the food would be a bit meh, but they do an excellent job seasoning their dishes. Probably a touch too high though.

Romanian - Most stuff was kinda bland, but there were a few highlights (usually polenta). I wouldn’t have it top 40 though.

Turkiye - Everyone must try a traditional Turkish breakfast at least once in their lives, truly a memorable experience. I’d for sure put them ahead of the likes of Poland, Brazil, maybe Peru too.

Thai - Only been living here for 2 months, but we knew within a couple days that we’d love the food here. And having a nice street food culture is a massive plus too. So far, Mexico and Thailand are just on another level for street food culture. Turkiye not bad.

Some places just really know how to season their dishes and most things will be a delight to eat, others haven’t got a clue (NZ, Colombia, Romania, Brazil, and Georgia to some degree).

The Portuguese national dish:


OK, not really, but put it with poutine in the “heart attack waiting to happen, but I’m not gonna say no” category.

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Indian & Thai should be way higher. Germany shouldn’t be on the list at all.

The presence of Switzerland on that list makes it sus imo.

Singapore needs to be somewhere on that list

Was wondering if maybe they left it off the list for some reason, so I searched for the top 100 and it is there, but not even in the top 75.

It’s at 81, in between Montenegro and Qatar. Bonkers. It’s an easy personal top 5 for me.

Indonesia at #7 ahead of India, Korea, Thailand, and Vietnam? Wtf. Thailand and Vietnam getting the shaft on this list. And then Malaysia at 31, which is better and way more diverse than Indonesian food, makes no sense.

Poland at 13? Wat

Another notable admission from this list besides Ethiopia is Pakistan.

No Iran on this list? Persian food is way up there for me.

Holy crap yeah Ethiopia should be higher at least based on all the Ethiopian food I’ve had in the US.

I was thinking of lomo saltado. Then I remembered ceviche.