Travel Addicts/Advice Thread

Isn’t the main conclusion that based on the one metric behind this (average rating of the top 50 dishes or food products) that most countries have lots of great food? How much “better” is Italy’s average 4.65 dish or product compared to the 4.40 average from Lebanon? If the conclusion is that in 50+ countries in the world you can go 50 dishes deep in local cuisine and still have nice food, that just tells me that there’s lots of good food everywhere.

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Favorite Ethiopian dish?

The various puddles of spicy stuff that you eat with the spongy bread. Whatever that’s called.

Had some elite tibs over here.

Ethiopian meat is >>> vegan

So, everything?

Flew Ethiopian biz class last year. At meal time the flight attendants come by with all the good stuff…injera and all the amazing dishes you eat with it. I ask for everything, crush the plate, they come through again, omg yes seconds please, I’m in heaven, this is the best airline food ever. Crush another plate. Wow, what a meal.

Then the flight attendants come back through: “What would you like for your entree - beef or salmon?” Oh, that was a starter?


I’m pretty sure that was what they were basing their judging on.

I’d still agree with your original statement, though. Italy is overrated on that list (shouldn’t be #1, but hard to leave it out of the top 5).

Seems weird for someone who likes South Indian food. That is some carb heavy shit. Most everything is made to be eaten with a giant pile of rice. And even the stuff that isn’t is pretty carb heavy. Most of it tastes great, so I’m with you on that.

The major exception is dessert. South Indian desserts are not great, imo. To generalize further, I think dessert is one area where Europe has Asia beat. For most everything else, I tend to generally prefer Asian cuisines.

Rather than carbs I should have specifically said wheat. I’m pretty close to wheat/gluten free at this point, so most traditional Italian delights are off the table for me unless I order an alternative grain.

Rice, on the other hand, is still on my plate, so while it’s true I try not to go overboard with carbs in general, an occasional delicious Southern Indian meal (with plenty of rice yes, and papadum instead of nan) is one of my favorite things, and we just happen to have an incredible Southern Indian restaurant nearby our small town, which serves great stuff like this:

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Looks great. Who runs the place? Indians or some Japanese chefs who have just figured out how to cook South Indian food.

The latter. A young Japanese couple obsessed with Indian food. In fact, their restaurant has been closed this past month because they’ve been traveling throughout Southern India on a research mission.

My wife and I have eaten Southern Indian all over Japan, including many Indian-run places, but we’ve yet to find a place we like as much as this one.

Our 2nd and 3rd favorite places, in Sapporo and Kyoto respectively, are also run by Japanese chefs. Maybe we just prefer a taste adjusted for the Japanese palate?

I’m offended that Georgia didn’t even crack the top 25

Dear passenger,

We’re contacting you to inform you of a potential strike planned for the morning of Monday, December 18, which may have an impact on your flight.

Negotiations are ongoing between the Association of Icelandic Air Traffic Controllers and Isavia, the company that handles the operation of all airports in Iceland.

Hoping to dodge this :arrow_double_up: SEA → KEF landing at 6:15am. KEF → PRG at 7:20am.

I’m going to be in Euroland with fiancé and our 19 month old from the Dec. 18th to Jan 2nd. Spending a few days in Pilsen meeting extended family, 2 days in Prague, Christmas with friends in Greece, then Lisbon from the 28th to the 2nd.

I realize I’m doing this lazily and going to search after posting.

Any recs for Prague? We’re staying pretty close to Prašná brána. I expect we’ll do a fair amount of sight seeing and such. I know one thing we have planned is a hockey match the night of the 22nd.

Any recs for Lisbon?

ETA Lisbon vibe from thread

  • Fun city, many things to do
  • Pastries :cook:
  • Sintra is a great day trip (there were others mentioned but it popped up a couple times)
  • If we have enough time for Porto, check it out. (i.e. francesinha)

Jumped on this yesterday - Aix-en-Provence to North America for 5K miles + $300, lol. We’ll see if AF cancels these. If not, I may be back here in a few months trying to put together a 10-12 day itinerary for Provence in May.

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@superuberbob, Prague bat signal has been lit.

I’m leaving for America on the 22nd for the holidays.

But yeah @freddbird let me know if you can meet up.

As for two days in Prague, Old Town will be packed shoulder to shoulder at night but you can see the highlights that’ll make your Instagram look like fire. Charles Bridge, Prague Castle, National Museum, Vaclav Square are still pretty standard sights that are quite close to each other. Not sure what else you’re up for. Christmas Market will be running as well. Just don’t buy anything there. It’s scammer paradise.

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I stand corrected. Japan rises to the top of the world food rankings on the strength of this alone:

I give you…the 7-11 Chocolate Mint Sandwich.

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The best way to eat Ethiopian food is to get vegetarian special (available at every Ethiopian restaurant) and then a meat entree or two. Alicha Wot is my favorite, but you can sub out many meat dishes. The meal is balanced, nutritious, and has a ton of variety.

In Ethiopia, you generally can’t find much besides the vegetarian special on Mondays and Wednesdays at least in Christian parts of the country (the capital and most tourist cities of the north). So you have to embrace the vegan food if you’re there.

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The first time I had Ethiopian food, decades ago, I thought it was some of the best food I’d ever eaten. Then I went years without eating it until a restaurant opened up nearby. It was run by Ethiopians but it was nothing like I remembered it. Didn’t enjoy it at all.

And about six months ago, a friend took me to an Ethiopian-run restaurant in Tokyo. And I found it just OK.

I want to find a place that delivers the experience I had the first time. I’m sure it’s out there, but it’s been hard to find.

It’s unlikely I’ll be able to meet up given our travel schedule unfortunately. Tomorrow we’re taking the train into Prague then touring the city with the family we’re visiting. There would be a slightest possibility tomorrow evening, but I’m not willing to commit to meeting unless I’m 100% confident I can do it. Considering I’ve only had about 10 hours of sleep combined over the last 3 days, I’m going to err on the side of increasing my rest. Thanks jet lag and 19 month old!

Thanks for the suggestions! I think a few of those were already on the list to visit.