Travel Addicts/Advice Thread

Think I’m gonna travel a bit on weekends. Not far. Just short trips to parts of the Czech Republic I haven’t been. I’ve already been to Cesky Krumlov, Terezin, and Kutna Hora. Other places are impossible to reach with public transport like Bohemian Switzerland and Cesky Raj. So, it’s likely to be restricted to cities reachable via public transport from Prague.

Not sure if there will be breathtaking photos but it should still be fun.

There isn’t a star rating for guests, only the comments.

I can see the comments that are written by the hosts but not the star ratings given. Can you see the star ratings you were given as a guest?

Are you sure about this? I have seen multiple references online about hosts leaving star ratings for guests.

Question for the group: If you could live anywhere within a few hours’ drive of DC, where would you live? Nowehere outrageously expensive, plz.

Lewisburg, WV, assuming I didn’t have to commute to DC.

Lol never mind that’s 4 hours. Richmond.

Assuming the Bronx is too far, I’d go Philly then Baltimore.

Charlottesville for a non-major city. Major City Philly.

Richmond from Riverman also a good choice.

Yeah, no commuting needed. As much as I talk shit about PA/WV, there do seem to be some nice affordable places thereabouts.

Lewisburg is legit awesome. It is absolutely gorgeous and there is a nice downtown with tons of cool restaurants. You can live like a king on $100k a year.

Now all I need is $100k a year.


What are you looking for? Big city? Small city? Suburb? Rural? Would you consider a train ride instead of a drive?

Just a cool place to live that’s not too far from DC is all I’m looking for.

I’d live on the Chesapeake. One of the small towns near Annapolis.

Not 100%, but I’ve used the site an absurd amount and have viewed my profile and others dozens of times and have only come across comments and not ratings for guests. So if it exists then it’s the most well hidden thing ever. I guess it’s possible it’s only viewable for owner accounts?

Hosts leave star ratings but they cannot be seen by the guests. Guests can only see comments.

My cousin lives in Arlington and works in DC. Seems to enjoy her life quite a bit.

I’ve lived there before, it’s great.

Lancaster PA seems nice, very outdoorsy and close to Philly.

I would look to any towns like this–Lancaster, Frederick, Hagerstown, etc. Underrated part of the country imo.

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Don’t think I can handle summers in the DMV anymore, probably looking for somewhere North of the Mason Dixon line.