Trans Youth

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Lol Daily Mail but I think JK Rowling is officially the second person whose suffering brings me satisfaction. She just won’t leave us alone.


Only two? You’re a better person than I am.

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There’s always room for one more :grinning:

I did find myself smiling when Limbaugh perished.

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The ASPS has not altered its position on gender-affirming surgeries for minors for a simple reason: it has never issued any clinical practice guidelines for or against such care. This misleading report prompted the ASPS to release a statement affirming its continued support for the constitutional protections of transgender patients and its opposition to the penalization and criminalization of physicians providing this care.

the organization still supports doctors’ ability to provide care, upholds the constitutional rights of transgender patients, and opposes criminalization or penalties.


Funny how her moral convictions instantly crumble in the face of even possible consequences. It’s almost as if she knows she is wrong.

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Uh, the list of things I would be (actually) willing to go to jail for five years in order to say is vanishingly small and excludes lots of things I know I’m right about.

Isn’t she a billionaire? She ain’t going to jail for shit.

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I assume she’s on a trip to Russian furiously attempting to verify her claim :grin:

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It’s so weird how her brain seems to have just broken one day. I’m still not clear on it even after the great 2 hour breakdown by contrapoints.

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No reason to assume someone isn’t a jerk just because they wrote a bunch of bad books.


I think a lot of us feel confused because her books feature battles for equality and understanding against bigotry, eg mudbloods. But in hindsight, that seems to me in keeping with her crusade to keep a narrow definition of women free from oppression by natural diversity and variations among women.

I was not a fan of the books but I did help host a midnight release party when I worked at a bookstore.

Is Harry a mudblood or a White Knight?

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Could you elaborate on your point? He’s not a mudblood but I’m unsure of your takeaway.

The hero being unprejudiced is a half-measure. The One is still a Pure Blood.


That makes sense. More foreshadowing for Rowling.

I kind of think of her like Michael Jackson. You can like Michael Jackson songs and still think Michael Jackson is a piece of shit.

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It’s like how when Florizel falls in love with Perdita you think it’s all radical because Perdita is the daughter of a shepherd and Florizel is nobility, but…oh…turns out Perdita was just raised by the shepherd and was really the presumed dead daughter of King Leontes and maybe she was really so great because of her royal blood.

Ok, it’s not exactly like that, but in a way it’s similar in that it undermines the progressive message.

Except the books are not very good.

Well, maybe they are similar.
