TopShot and other NFTs Part II: Electric Boondoggle

So most packs were -ev? Thats probably a first for topshot

There was a ‘Throwdowns’ (I think) pack that was notably -EV and imo started the move of many fanboys away from TS.

Looks like a rager


no, packs were still clearly +EV

but if you really pulled bad you lost a few bucks, that’s new, I think they want to go that route for awhile to get rid of the nit pack flippers tho

peak LA was 90. lmao

but yes this is what happens in many challenges, they pay a lot of money to complete it then dump the card asap to lose money because I don’t know why

i assume people who are dumping are those who happened to have cards laying around (like me) and are okay whatever 80 bucks.

is wild looking at it now, I’ve never heard of half of these. Amusingly to me, yes that is 2 things on wax selling better than nbatopshot and a 3rd not far behind.

we really messed up, farmville but nft was the way to go

not amusingly, eternal is behind atari if you’re wondering how fast that site went to shit sheesh

In the other thread people were saying nobody buys this for the art. Not true, and here are two examples and the real jewels of my collection:


Someone that was in a fraternity with a couple guys I know is about to launch a golf / country club NFT. 10,000 pieces. 0.08 ETH each at launch for a cool ~3.5M (if they all sell). What is their cost to mint all these? Think I need to launch an NFT.

Yeah overhead is lollow, I mean it’s a get rich quick scheme especially for developers. Mints very very rarely sell out right now though and generally it’s either sell out or massively bomb (like under 1000 sales or whatever).


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gonna be a fun article when in 10 years from now, hey anyone remember when that was a thing

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these are +EV for now–if you don’t bink the 4k rookies, my guess is floor is $3 for this batch, people are going to want to buy the new shit after that recalculation, the overall market has tanked lately though cause welcome to the 90s junk era, they’re trying to make it more like a real box where you just get mostly crap but it’s worse here because you don’t know how much crap there really is walking into a card shop.

worst case you can trade 4 for 3 S2’s in the lockerroom until those run out. Also S3 will be used as trade tickets for the upcoming S1 packs, so there’s some utility but yes topshot packs aren’t omg slam dunk fist pumps like they used to be

(ok floor might be 2) anyway, was something like 30% you got all 60ks I did not mean you wouldn’t get a ton of crap

Reactionary luddites

This is likely going to be a complete bomb. If they sell more than 100 I’d be shocked.

First, their marketing efforts have completely failed - less than 700 in discord (most NFT discords now are in the 10ks). It even looks like there are losing discord users, which is not good before drop has even happened. And zero engagement in discord or on twitter.

At first they were going to limit pre-sale to people that achieved level 2 in the discord, but since that would have been almost no one, they allowed anyone to join. Then their pre-sale contract broke (they don’t know exactly why). They claimed to have re-done it, but said they were waiting for low gas to load on the blockchain. Now they claim that they literally can’t load till low gas - which is 100% crap, you can always load, it just costs more. Plus gas has dropped a few times. There are two possibilities - (1) they can’t fix pre-sale contract or (2) they realize pre-sale is going to be a failure so don’t want to pay the gas to re-load the pre-sale contract. The latter seems much more likely.

They are now just saying they likely will skip pre-sale and go straight to public sale. This may be one of the few NFTs that actually loses money (although I hope they didn’t pay much for their crappy art).