TopShot and other NFTs Part II: Electric Boondoggle

Its impossible my body cannot withstand the geekness. I tried for a day and i got polio

Custodian services that do all that complicated stuff in the backend and hold your stuff for you can solve this problem. Think like Coinbase or Robinhood but for NFTs. I don’t even think it would be too out of the question for Coinbase to build in some sort of NFT storage on their platform and let you just buy directly from OpenSea (or any other platform) through Coinbase UI and store in a Coinbase wallet. I’m sure they or someone is already working on this.

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Man woman person tv camera


LMFAO I was just thinking about this the other day and wondering if anyone had figured out what the optimal solution for writing down phrases is since I’m still writing them in books that are easily destroyed by water/fire (and I did have a bunch of irrelevant paperwork ruined in a water leak recently). But after reading your post it looks like the answer is a definitive NO b/c laugh out loud at doing any of that.

I do have a little fire/waterproof safe thing I keep documents in now but obviously that’d be the FiRsT pLaCe To LoOk for anyone wanting to rob me. However, I think you can also segment thieves into different classes: Russian hackers gonna have to COME GET IT from my house. However, check the court records for locals who have attempted the house robbing in your area and your fears that they’d be able to convert the phrases into a successful crypto theft should be appropriately mitigated.

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you can get oceans-11’d by people who know you have crypto but if random burglars stole your fire safe with passphrases they probably won’t figure it out before you can make a new wallet and transfer all your shit

That’s my point and I’ll take my chances. I mean it’s not like I just have a box sitting out that says “crypto passwords and emergency cash.” Would take a significant amount of searching to find and remove it in a way that wouldn’t alert me.

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as i understand it, if you have the passphrase you don’t need the hardware. the hardware is keeping the passphrase from being on the internet or something

oh, well yeah you’d want a backup of the passphrase somewhere else if you haven’t memorized it

Just realized that a pass phrase I have for one wallet is so safe that even I can’t locate it.


You clearly want to break the Algorithm up into a dozen separate plates, and then reverse their entropy so they travel backwards through time. Only way to be sure.


I wonder what happened to this crypto expert guy here who was all over how NFTs are ponzi scheme that will be worthless in 6 months.

I cashed all of my money out of the bank and took it in dollar bills so I have a really thick mattress.

Simone Biles unsigned drops today from 3-7 on DK. I have a feeling there will be fewer people in the queue this time around because a lot of the DK bros hate her because she’s a “quitter” (but probably more so because they’re racists, misogynists, or both). Either way, I’ve been keeping the queue open in one window and pounding refresh on the marketplace in the other one looking for quick strikes on people who list good serials way too low and I’ve had a lot of success that way. People listing 2 digit serials for <2x the drop price in some cases if you can click buy fast enough.

how did biles do in the market? I think Jeter is up next

About as well as you would expect, which is to say mostly she flopped. Her rubies are at 3x drop, carbons are 2.5x, everything else hovering around 1.25x-1.75x. I think her signed ones will do okay tomorrow just because of scarcity. I hit on the platinum drop and then picked up 2 3 digit carbons, 2 3 digit plats, a low 3 digit emerald, and a 2 digit saph during the frenzy after the drops all for <2x drop (slightly over that for the carbons) and I’m just gonna hodl them for a bit and see what happens. Rubies were going for 1.9x after the drop so I could’ve made a quick flip if I snagged one of those but I was gunshy after seeing how the others were doing. There were some wild deals though, like low double digits in each category going for 1.5x drop price in the frenzy.

I think the market for Jeter will be much better, given that he’s one of the most overrated players of all time and people love him for some reason, and also he plays a sport that the DK demographic gives a shit about.


DK NFTs having 15% rake is right on brand. In marketing they call that brand cohesion.

Yeah, the only good thing with the setup is you don’t have to pay gas on the transactions which is pretty big right now. And I think the breakdown is that autograph is taking a 10% royalty and DK is taking 5% on top of that, so even when they let you go to opensea or wherever that 10% isn’t going away.

Brady Carbon Premier (unsigned) #1/5000 just sold for $35k. Insert stonks.gif here.

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