TopShot and other NFTs Part II: Electric Boondoggle

Binked a Ruby on the drop. Don’t think I’ll be able to flip for big money but nice to get one at the drop price.

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me not long ago why did I let you all talk me into buying a cube

me probably soon why did I let you all talk me into a piece of a squiggle

I didn’t get any except one osaka platinum or premium w/e it is for $30 during the dump, might be worth the standard one just to be in the discord later on if they do stuff in there.


remember when we did that? that was dumb.


when I said probably soon I did not anticipate “within 24 hours”

i bought a cool story for ~1k. no regrets. kudos to @beetlejuice for running a beautiful troll job on us.

loooool all of us

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Did you guys buy the L?

Your squiggle is clearly superior to this . Much greater height and color array. Gotta have :gem: :raised_hands:

Also most of the discord is seed rich now anyway! Imagine passing up the opportunity to buy a seed to an ETH tree?

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Since I got bored with TopShot I come back periodically to this thread to see whether Clint Capela gifs are now worth a million and see a whole new language with squiggles and seeds and just slowly back away homerintothebushes.gif


i did the same and then i was like fuck it let me invest in whatever they do and then it lost 50% in value in a day.



Signed Osaka drops start at 3 today on DK. The market seems pretty low on her but I have to imagine you can still make a quick flip for 2x-3x value on the carbons/platinums if you’re fortunate enough to somehow get to the top of the queue.

0/1. I saw one (not sure the serial #) get flipped for $300 and #1/100 got sold for $900 but I was too slow on the trigger to get either. $300 is $255 after fees so good job to that guy for making $5 lol.

Assuming there’s no Japanese market I don’t get why Naomi Osaka was their choice. They went with WG to open the Canadian market.

Yeah, definitely an odd choice, especially for a DFS site where I’m guessing tennis doesn’t drive any traffic at all.

#135 for the Platinum Signed.

wnba pack on topshot not sure it will be worth the 9 bucks.

Got #127 and snagged one.

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Wow DK totally teased me. It even did the “redirecting you to the purchase page” for me and then when it finally took me there the page said “sold out.”