TopShot and other NFTs Part II: Electric Boondoggle

I will buy / split anything you feel like parting with! Only to open. No interest in flipping.

I also got a cashout hitting my bank account this week.


I’m thinking of doing a full withdraw and just use my credit card to buy packs. Seems like the better play just in case Dapper goes poof. I’m out of the flipping game.

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no cashout, no info or timeline regarding said cashout

sigh, not this shit again

it’s harder to flip in this bear market and people with faster scanners/internet connections than I have.

twas a nice run tho

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Hey, I have these two wax boxes (all packs present and unopened). They are worth absolutely jack and shit, right? The green Pro Set box still has the shrink wrap, though the plastic is torn on the bottom. Got them for a few bucks each at Goodwill a few years ago (maybe $10 each max?).

Yeah not worth much , I would just rip. There are few #'s to look for here is a link to a thread about it.

Emmitt Smith #685

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Have you noticed I haven’t been on discord chat much either the past few days?


I remember 1990 pro set football tried to collect them all as a kid once that was a ridic chore so I gave up pretty fast. Remember the Seau though, darn that one I guess now that I have none of them.

would’ve never noticed the fred marion belt

might’ve well thrown out a manley substance abuse without a second thought

lmao @ NFL super hero I don’t remember this at all

that score set was garbage though

I have a set of 1991 Pro Set hockey cards in a binder somewhere and a lots of other cards from around that time. Probably worth about $3.50.

I grabbed all of my childhood cards from my parents the other week. Doubt I have anything great and it would be a lot of work to go through all of them so they’ll probably just sit at my house

When you request a withdrawal it asks for bank routing and account info on one page and then an address on the 2nd page. Did you guys put the bank address or your address? It doesn’t specify and is kind of confusing.

home address is what i input

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a few people stimulus checks plus some people buying a ton of something = it went back up, everything is saved everyone on the rocket back to the moon.

I’m rooting for them to lose all their $. well after I get an actual cashout first anyway.

They promised to update us on the status of our pre-order packs tomorrow. We probably won’t be able to open them for another week and they’ll almost certainly be the closest to -ev we’ve come so far


moon seems to have moved to the digital pony racing

some cards do go up from time to time but that’s really only when one or some group decides to buy a bunch all at once at this point

Tell us more

oh no