TopShot and other NFTs Part II: Electric Boondoggle

jfc spoiler alerts already it’s only 7:15 PST here


Mark not gonna let a money grab go on without him

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Josh purchased discord

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holding is for suckers but i keep trying anyway. everything always just goes toward zero, some cards more slowly than others

super stoked for cool cats packs tho

Have they announced when CC3 is?

Problem: all the good deals get sold in under 40 seconds to people who have specialized in clicking buttons fast

Problem: the value of every card only goes down over time because they’re inherently stupid and worthless and 100% of the market is crypto speculators

Solution: PACKS!!


market is so down today, pizzahat is about to lose money on a trade

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they ran this shit so poorly roham just got offered the knicks gm position.


you were right on jokic btw his went up

people really hated these all star game cards, wow

i haven’t followed all week cause it tilts me but they were the worst possible idea for topshot to do

10 million in pack fees that’s all they care about

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I got the worst all star moment possible in Vuc and was still able to 2x the pack price. Getting a Harden common and Lavine 15k helped.

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market tanked hard

in about an hour bron and bunch of others sprinted back hard to where they were

this site is so nonsensical

No idea but I’m keeping 3 moments just in case.


they’re really starting a new challenge and big pack dump before any of the current ones expire

they’re god damn nuts

they are morons. like sure it’s the fastest way to money grab but they can sell the product for hundreds of millions if not a billy if they just don’t fuck it completely up.

Instead they are fucking this completely up.

Who could have seen this coming

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well almost everyone here couldn’t see this becoming a thing to begin with, so i’m not giving anyone credit just yet.