TopShot and other NFTs Part II: Electric Boondoggle

need packs





I wonder how many people at Top Shot have authority to do anything? it shouldnā€™t take a bunch of meetings to ban an obvious bot.

They actually just donā€™t care

Same 5% rake either way, and it just annoys the flippers which Iā€™m sure they donā€™t really view as Moment Lovers anyhow.

Nobody said anything about banning. Surely they will give this user an opportunity to consolidate all of their accounts. :wink:

in the discord itā€™s about no one, somehow all those red people are helping people out for nothing for a site thatā€™s raking money hand over fist. I donā€™t get why youā€™d do such a thing.

Is it worth trying to do this again? Has anyone here been successful recently in getting some NFTs and then selling them for a profit?

Just curious is this is an actual money maker at this point or basically a state lottery that takes way more work and effort to get an actual ticket?

If you can get a pack youā€™ll make money especially if it isnā€™t a base $9 one.

Yes there are quite a few of us making money buying and reselling but you have to stare at your computer for hours and be lightning fast in your buy decisions and have a good internet connection and a fast device and a decent feel for the market. Seems to be more people and bots doing what we are doing so who knows how long it lasts


So far Iā€™ve just gotten into the packs since I didnā€™t want to put any ā€œrealā€ money on the site.

I have purchased 2 packs, 1x $9 pre order and 1x Seeing Stars.

Of the 6 cards from the packs, I have sold cards for $75, $190, $262, and $259. The other two cards I have are ~$10 and prob not worth selling.

So, Iā€™m in for $23 but up to $786.* And now I can finally start to finally play the game!

*3300% ROI may not be typical though :man_shrugging:

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No one has been able to withdraw money from the site afaik.

I made 4000% ROI on the one pack I was able to purchase. But I havenā€™t seen the money yet.

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No thread has ever had a bigger fall from grace than this one.

Yah Iā€™ve refined my processes as far as I much as I can and with the market being so slow with NOPACKS I have zero shot against the bots.

When the site was imploding and people were dumping stuff I did ok, but right now the only opportunity imo is speculating and buying at current market price and hoping for appreciation.

That said, everything Iā€™m watching is depreciating so ymmv.

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Iā€™m so used to getting botted out that I got one last night and thought I got Rayvinā€™d so only marked it up $150 and a bot bought my sale. Left money on the table there. My hold moments have gone up in the last day. Campazzo gone up almost $100 since yesterday.

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The competition for quick flipping stuff is tough and will only get worse imo. Soon the only way to make decent money will be to speculate on high value items or target a cheap moment, buy 100 of them and hope it goes up 300%.

Anthony Edwards 4k card has almost doubled in less than a week. When it was around $850 I said naw Iā€™ll wait for it to drop some more before I buy one and now itā€™s $1600, idiot.

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The flipping competiton is tough now and I canā€™t hang. Either internet not fast enough and/or Iā€™m not seeing the deals fast enough. I was really hoping it wouldnā€™t be this way till april sigh.

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Everything moved to Discord. Lots of us have made some pretty decent money. I am up around 20k now.

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