TopShot and other NFTs Part II: Electric Boondoggle

pretty solid argument for using discord vs unstuck for this afaik. got lurkers trying to steal our strategies


After banning Wichita while still letting PizzaHat completely clean up, I think I am going to default to them being in on it until they prove otherwise. It’s just really hard for me to give anyone credit for being this incompetent.


Yea I would like to change my vote after seeing that.

I’d like to state for the record that I’m friends with absolutely none of you and I’m just on a message board topic because I enjoy topshot.


that booker was the fastest I had done all day

and got josh’d anyway

Imjosh back at that sweet sweet botesque time

how did i record that time on a friggin booker lmao

booker one of the last 8 SS i need 3-digit versions of. Now down to needing just 7:


pm me top secret discord link tia

Well it’s not that. Went through rayvin, time to dapper normal again. Beaten by PizzaHat at 25s. Prob the fastest click through I’ve done today.

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Can someone pm me as well please.

Me as well

I don’t see it in our normal discord so guess it’s a new one

If there’s a new discord I will also take a link

change mine to at least undecided now

I can’t make a purchase until I do an identity check now

This for everyone or did I get flagged already?

happened to me a while back, once you make a certain volume of trades you get the trigger for KYC

if I see pizzahat around tomorrow ffs these jokers

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Ok it’s already done; was fast enough

And only one reference to PizzaHat in discord. How many times were humans called bots there?

Fucking PizzaHat

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