TopShot and other NFTs Part II: Electric Boondoggle

on the plus side guys you aren’t missing anything atm

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Same guy. So far no actual results but he seems eager enough.

If this gets resolved today and they can mark my account as a non-bot I will be happy. If it drags on for days and/or they perma me I am going to be livid.


Youre just saying this because you’re grinding $4 a pop on Paul Georges without the competition.

I’m actually keeping that George


just paid 5.6k for a labron gif ama


Just can’t quit him :heart:


now i need to sell some of my S2 labrons tho to replenish dapper


pizzahat gotta be a bot with that time with that lag

Wichita gets the boot but pizza hat still here to ruin my day

100% so glad he’s not banned.

that name is pretty new they’re not going to insta catch all of them

Of course where we got to was send an email to compliance. Aren’t the turnaround times on that in the weeks?

I’ve bought one card over $20 in 5 hours and that was a cool cats that hasn’t been flipped–I’m washed up

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Bought 6 moments today and haven’t sold any of them yet. Up to 14 moments which is a new high for me, feels a bit weird

And as I was typing that I sell a 2 digit Jaylen Brown for $240 profit


Gotta be honest I don’t luv mikey

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How is mikey not banned. He is faster than Wichita constantly and buys everything.

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yesterday he sold a card for a buck, I got a good laugh out of that

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Probably isn’t reselling most of it rightaway.

except for a few 2 digit SS’s he’s snap listed everything