TopShot and other NFTs Part II: Electric Boondoggle

I liked you better banned wichita

also playful_heron1921 to the bot list


While I know you are joking I think I will taper back the insane manic dumpster diving strategy if that is going to get me put under a microscope (or might). So the Discord campaign worked even if I am not banned!

I think just whoever is active. I had an issue once and DMed a red name that was talking. Got a response (even though issue couldn’t be resolved). They at least seem to have the ability to elevate issues to the right people.

No clue if people like Usman or Jacob respond to DMs, even when they are active.


Since Wichita can still buy stuff sometimes it sounds like maybe a capricious scoring algorithm is what’s blocking? If it’s using grecaptcha or some other third-party thing then I wonder how much control a human at Dapper would have over it?

dead again

If it adds any clues to this speculation I took an hour break or so and now it works every time. I wonder if they have programmed some kind of anti-bot measure that is based on frequency of transaction. It might explain why i got stopped twice then it worked once then it was full blown block for 10 minutes. It might be that something fell off the front end that allowed that 3rd transaction to work.

I did get that screen one other time a few days ago and even posted about it here but it never happened again. It’s possible I came right up against the border of the transaction limit that day.

It’s also possible this is just Dapper sucking and it is totally random. The fact it happened right after the Discord mob came for me put me through the roof earlier.


It could explain some of the bot volume too? Because they don’t seem to snag as much as they could.

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When people gonna use their stimmy check to buy my labrons and KDs plz


Does this happen before you press the purple button or after?

It gets to the dapper screen and happens after you press the purple button. It has a little flag icon that goes along with it. Hopefully I never get it again but if I do I will screenshot it.

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Investigating: the issue to be investigated.
We are investigating the issue.


I’m sure there’s a better way but here’s how I found mine:

  • Go to your activity page and find a transaction for a purchase you made
  • Click the Flow Transaction link to go to the Flowscan page
  • In the Script section, find the let recipient = getAccount(0xblahblahblah) line
  • Grab the 0xblahblahblah part and go to

same, I tried searching using my Flow ID and my Dapper name but nothing came up

Sweet emmpee’s method worked

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woke up from the graveyard shift nap. anything i should know?

your account may or may not be under review, and you may or may not be able to continue buying/selling with or without this potential review or maybe it’s a bug


what’s the bam issue?

they announced cards for a challenge but haven’t released those cards so people pumped up an unrelated card by a named player

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nice first card i try to buy i never got passed ‘processing request’. the topshot way

omg that luka s1

free 1k

i never even got the buy button to show up, nice website