TopShot and other NFTs Part II: Electric Boondoggle

Dutch auction, so the price keeps going down until someone buys. And you get a physical version of the card too, which is where 90+% of the value is in their “blockchain” auctions.

Others I see regularly that are obvious rayvin/goofybot users

Gottaluvmikey (is that someone here?)
KLBruce haven’t seen him in a few days, name change?

Honestly I preferred 90. 15 is too botty and requires my full attention. But I don’t expect 90 will ever be a thing.

Lol limits. The way it works is you bribe the manager and then everyone else is limited to zero.

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Everything in the 60-90 range was awesome.

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JHagan11 seems botish but may be a rayvin

I’m eyeing a draft picks hobby box. I know college versions don’t appreciate as much but the price point is decent.

Everything I saw on there was sold out or out of my price range.

60 was great. Most productive few days of the past year, probably. 60 minutes timeout? Might as well go straighten things up, work out, etc.

MP open 24/7? Never eat, only mp.


man, I’m disappointed you all forgot about marcus

there’s more than you think though the thad young mess was 2 new ones (or a name change haven’t seen bruce all day)

Yeah he beats me a lot but my gut is he is just quick.

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I’ve been watching / listening / reading basketball card content for the last couple months out of curiosity and boredom. From what I gather, it’s near impossible to get anything retail. I’m interested in a trip report from speaking with an employee. But from what I’ve read, there are people literally stalking delivery trucks.

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I have the perfect product: josh and writhing_kudu’s keys to success. $100 monthly for the lowest tier, $250 for the next, and $500 for the top. Then just link them to Rayvin but disguise it.


bill gates did it, why not you too?



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I went into 2 Targets and they were both cleaned out but there were “3 per person” signs posted so I would assume they are making it into the store.

You’re right tho, it could be an ugly scene. At least gonna find out the drop time if possible.

I’ve got a visual of some Trumper asshole and their 5 cousins in line together.

I mean yeah his times are similar to imjosh and wichita who just have good internet and i assume use ethernet cables etc.

I’m using this downtime productively by lying on the bed and looking at the phone




politics in the champagne room