TopShot and other NFTs Part II: Electric Boondoggle

I used to think making eldumbo in charge of talking to customers was stupid but now I realize how brilliant it is, he actually doesn’t know any better


LOL I thought this was a joke. Then I scrolled up. Insane.



ball don’t lie


i dont think i can liquidate fast enough but if i could…

That’s what cc is for!

he doesn’t want to be called imbroke in a few months


The problem is whenever I go in the discord I understand the kind of people listing moments 50% below LA


5% uncapped rake on every transaction in the marketplace incentivizes the removal of all time restrictions. Wichita is correct.

They clearly aren’t competent enough to look at the big picture and realize it’s bad for the long term health of their product. But judging by the current tech climate of companies incapable of turning a profit having 12 digit market caps, it probably doesn’t matter.

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When you get to write that “Why I paid $30k for a basketball gif” article on Medium, that’s when you know you’ve made it.


Yeah, I’m steady stuck on processing trying to buy more Plumlees,

so I guess it’s just one Plumlee vs All The Tuckers and they’re gonna knockout game his cracker ass.

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im seeing almost no new listings, it ded again?

Yeah it’s dead. I’m fucking around with my internet speed just trying to buy cards under $5 that pop up and nothing goes through, and now nothing is appearing.

Topshot just got me to pay for the internet speed package. I will prob cancel when I can’t get shit anyways. Wish I was not degen.

Yup, banner on site now saying maintenance

They are turning it off and back on again

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I’m sure it has been discussed here but Roham owns 4m in topshots. You would think there would be some kind of a sense of self preservation there. I know he probably thinks he is doing that with the endless promotion but the product is a complete joke. Imagine a poker site that barely worked every day. The real risk to this product is something coming along that mimics it but isn’t run by a bunch of fuckups.

wen cashouts


I finally buy my first moment to flip and the system dies before I can post it

I would like to start a company with all of you. I can’t do shit but i can ride the coattails of goofy and lawnmower man et al.

It would be so great to build the all sports cards forum that kills these guys. Not sure if the NBA can license to others, but I don’t see why not, they do for regular sports cards.


that batch of idiots somehow had connections to get it all in advance, we do not have this

After searching the discord, subreddit and Twitter, it is safe to say that almost no one is discussing Rayvin. This thread might be nearly all the subscribers.


NBA actually has exclusive license deals for this (with Topshot) and for physical cards (with Panini).