TopShot and other NFTs Part II: Electric Boondoggle

And 90% of the best deals going to the same 10 bot accounts.

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Got one!

Donovan Mitchell SS for $240

502 serial number

Putting up for 281 for $27 profit after fees



it’s hard to be this stupid

site goes FUBAR and their brillant idea was to lower the time requirement to 1 minute, when the entire problem the entire time has been they can’t handle significant traffic at once

it goes down again they investigate shrug their shoulders do absolutely nothing for the 10000th time

do it again, it sucks again, which let’s face it they probably don’t even know that right now

Nevermind, can’t place it for sale when MP sucks ass

They basically luckboxed the perfect solution to everything and gave up on it within 48h. It’s complete incompetence from top to bottom.


Luka 760 dafuq, we goin’ down?

Lol I tried to place it again and it says I must wait a minute

I haven’t put one up bc you didn’t let me; why the timer?

I wouldn’t call it perfect but it hurt bots/flippers which they wanted to do in the first place and it ran smoothly so let’s ignore that and go back to the shit it was before

Yeah I like a 20/30 minute rule so less competition and can pick 2-3 good moments to flip each hour

maybe a bit. the 1-minute cd lets people that hate money cancel-undercut-cancel-undercut each other tho, amplifies the dumps

Well we are back to the mp barely functioning and bots hoovering up everything and immediately undercutting every market. Back to prices plunging mode.


I just want them to go back to whatever got Jokic SS to $300. LA is only $292 now and I can’t have that.

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I’m under the impression that none of their employees have actually used the site.


yeah. until they have a bid/ask system then i think the cooldowns are actually best. Like, if you had a bid/ask system up i bet a decent chunk of people would have buy orders up for luka at $800 that would have gotten filled, instead luka drops down to 760 and falling with minimal buys



Might be a good time to take a break. Bots, no deals, no packs, beginning of a swong down. Going to revert to knife catching mode at some point I guess, still up ~450ish in the last 5 hours, can’t complain.

Its not bots, its just huge demand from our ever growing user base
Its not bots, its just huge demand from our ever growing user base
Its not bots, its just huge demand from our ever growing user base
Its not bots, its just huge demand from our ever growing user base
Its not bots, its just huge demand from our ever growing user base

(Rainbow text)


The real reason they probably won’t do it is $$$. It caps their mp fee income. You would think they would realize having the mp mostly suck either through it not working or bots gone wild mode might really mess with their $$$ long term too but I doubt it

Loads of users are just great at clicking fast

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