TopShot and other NFTs Part II: Electric Boondoggle

oh fuck off bot

I was 35s done too on my end–with these bots not gobbling up everything it lures you into a I totally have a shot when you still dont

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i really wanna know what’s going thru the head of someone who posts a moment at less than half off lowest ask.

they just want to get rid of it asap while still obtaining a profit

sure they can’t withdraw it but they don’t know that yet

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“I got this in a $14 pack, GME to the moon”

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no, he already sold it in that time to TopShotAddict

he flipped it already LOL of course

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going from 120-90-60 feels like opening up your range in a poker tournament w.r.t. deal selection

Who got that $75 Vuc?

Must’ve updated it way late on my end since I didn’t get it some random did

Yeah that’s what I thought too.

Rayvin I assume. Impossible to get good deals vs bots etc without it. It’s $49/month and you’d make that in one flip (if ever able to withdraw ofc).

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you’re not beating a bot with it either


*impossible to get good deals vs rayvin users without it

Edit: pony

Maybe the real product being sold is Rayvin. Dapper $$$ going to go poof

You can set up email alerts from that Nbanana. But yeah it basically seems impossible to get good deals without Rayvin and then it’s just a race, I’m trying to lose interest before I spend any more actual money.

i wanted that embiid muk :(

Where sabonis

Should I be HODLing or flipping? Not sure given he didn’t play but I’m guessing still relevant for challenges (haven’t checked)?

Wasn’t supposed to be a reply to you josh. Just bored only looking for a few cards with specific serials. Fiending for a classic flip

Fjdhknbh needed that jaylen

depends on how much you need the dapper i guess. general consensus on these challenge SS guys is that prices should rise as more ppl try to complete the challenge, and they havent really done much advertising on the challenge yet. I’m selling some of mine and holding others