TopShot and other NFTs Part II: Electric Boondoggle

that was gonna be you or me and I knew it’d be you

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no one bought my 240 cp3 so i gotta go dumpster diving for my next purchase

boom on what

im running out of dapper is the problem. my asks are too aggressive on my SS but i think they will rise

Haliburton RS.

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he got haliburton 2 digit for 1400

it’s like when someone gets a great deal on that house in the hamptons. it doesn’t concern us really


Insanity, nice

chainface probably someone’s bot

Sorry, almost forgot about this what with all the LOL TOPSHOTS.

Yeah, you can have them send the USDC to coinbase, or BTC or ETH or whatever. If they’re charging a flat fee it doesn’t matter but sometimes the network fees for the specific currencies can be wildly different, although it’s settled down a lot the past few years. For example, in 2017 and 2018 I’d trade everything for BitcoinCash before it left the exchanges because the fees to send it were pennies compared to Bitcoin and others being through the roof.

Once it’s in coinbase, converting to USD is free and withdrawing using the ACH option is also free.


they charge a cashout fee because of course they do jfc

do they actually not get how scummy that looks?

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Even so, they can fold it into other fees and hide it. It took a little while for Coinbase to realize this, and they raised the fees for everything else to lower the cashout fees. Cashout fees always seem like a big “fuck you I don’t care how greedy we look, we’re not even gonna try to hide it.”

LBJ 3p up for $995, not sure if insane deal but its like $150 below next lowest lol

omg a #193 Simmons for $115 and I couldn’t get it :frowning:

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I went for it too, and got timed out of buying the george because it didn’t fail on my screen in time


I still haven’t sold 191 and have now seen 193 and 195 go for stupid lower than current ask so I’m super mega tilted rayvin gonna go LOL at my listing

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I tried for that $120 George too, serial number seemed too good to pass up (422)

lol that simmons owned me so hard, I had clicked the gobert before above posted but it’s saying I can’t in 1hr 25min when I’ve bought nothing

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Alrighty, I’m out of 9xxx Zion for 455 (in for 400). Definitely could have held, but balance now in Luka range.


Yikes it was there too, 4xxx for 550. Not fast enough.

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I wonder if Zion > Steph, they’re very close in terms of LAs and gluts at like 475/500.

shooting too high?