TopShot and other NFTs Part II: Electric Boondoggle

Data collected, bagholders.


rayvin estimated value for the SS is pretty low

mp down again?

Why am I going to try and hope I get lucky so I can give these guys another 200 for a pack? This site is infuriating.

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Down for me.

You know why

only had 2 go through 1 completed kinda wanted that kyrie tho

btw if you have a dapper screen up, keep trying

Haha I wonder if I can challenge all the purchases I’ve made with my credit card lololol. Not serious. Totally fucking serious.


The user experience is so atrociously bad. Yet we all are on here every single day. Imagine how popular this would be if it actually worked.


ok that #513 steph S2/15k for $115 is just ridiculous. i know the 15k tanked but cmon

AD cool cat reward under 600 lol kill me please


Rayvin continuing to ping while mp is down might push me over the edge

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I never sold the towns facepalm it’s gonna be in a challenge it’ll be worth so much LOL

got a lavine in maintenence if your dapper screen is still up, you are still live until it tells you to **** off

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i got this while trying to deposit money and clicked it again instinctively. not sure if i am gonna get rekt for that or not lol


What is going on w rayvin lol

it’s catching up

This is a self selected population of gamblers, not sure what the appeal of this would be to casual fans tbh

Some guy on discord just said “I’m just glad they’re trying to fix it and working on giving us a great experience and not just wanting our money.”


was it 5k worth of parts at the peak?
i need to bask in someone’s else stupidity to feel less dumb about my 11 Vuc cards I forgot to sell

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