Thanks. The main reason I’ve never really used it is that I’ve never actually heard anyone say it. So it just sounds weird. Most hateful people I have encountered don’t bother with any sort of trans modifiers. They just call a trans man a woman.
Well now that BusinessGenius posted the rule, it is clear. Prior to that I’d just have said that trans female sounds weird (I didn’t know the bigots use that term).
I think there’s something to them using what they think is a more clinical or scientific term that better conveys their insistence of black and white, immutable trait that nature couldn’t give nuance to. Or like plugs lol. Less humanity connoted
Something necessarily implied by “AFAB”, you know, Assigned Female At Birth, a preferred term for trans men, is that “female” status is something that can be assigned. It’s pretty reasonable to conclude from that that “female” and “woman” both may apply to the fluid social construct that is gender rather than the innate, complicated, and difficult to discern or identify objectively “sex,” even while in other contexts “female” is supposed to be the sex that is different from the lived gender identity of the person in question that distinguishes them as trans rather than cis. As much as I think that learning and using the preferred terminology is good and respectful, it’s also a moving target, non-obvious, and at times inconsistent with itself.
And a touch of actually conceding some ground for the sake of expedient communication. Sort of the same as amab and afab, which themselves along with my usage of birth sex I think have fallen out of favor as concepts among medical ppl and the rest of the ppl who accept that trans ppl exist
A 17 year old opened fire in a Nashville high school today. Hours before police shared his name, fringe extremist communities correctly identified him as one of their own. He left behind a manifesto expressing unadulterated neo-Nazi ideology that endorsed violent “accelerationst” tactics.
The suspect also appears to have been part of online communities that glorify and encourage mass shootings. He wrote he was radicalized against his own race to the point of suicide and wanting to kill others. Also an apparent fan of Nick Fuentes and spent time in online cesspits like 4chan, etc.