TJ plays a ton of poker in Vegas for WSOP! ...And occasionally eats

A tale of two trips…

Just joshing you Bruce :grin:

I finished up at the Wynn +985 in the after dinner nightcap…. Then wistfully went and got my bag from valet, and cabbed it over to McCarran, where I’m waiting at the gate.

Gives me a chance to go over my numbers! Let me add it all up…


Great trip report. Thanks. Had me jonsing hardcore the whole time!

Yeah, excellent TR, thanks!

Thanks for the journey! Glad you had a good trip.

Thanks for sharing your trip with us, was fun to follow along.

Tournament hours played (including breaks): 24.75
Tournament buyins: -1600
Tournament cashes: $0 :rage::rage::rage:

Cash games

$5 big blind
Hours played: 71.75
+5375 ($74.9/hr!! :flushed::flushed::flushed:)

$3 big blind
Hours played: 10.0

$2 big blind (NLH)
Hours played: 3.0

$2 big blind (PLO)
Hours played: 4.0

Total cash games: +4699

Pit Games

Craps -460
Pai Gow +100
Blackjack +475
Video Poker -120

Total: minus 5 freaking dollars


Flight: -215
Airbnb: -920
Food/Uber: -1178
Total: -2313

I only tracked my meals and ubers that I put on my card. There’s lots of miscellaneous cash expenses that I didn’t track, like taxis, tipping, grocery run, and any time I split meals.

So what does it all add up to? Let’s look at the bottom line, the simplest way to gauge how I did:

100 dollar bills I brought to Vegas: 60
100 dollar bills I’m bringing home: 93 :sunglasses::sunglasses::sunglasses:

In a city built to separate you from your money, I got to play a ton of poker, which I truly enjoy. After two weeks in town, I’m proud of the accomplishment of being solidly in the black, even after expenses.

I had a great time, and some truly memorable meals with some great people.

Thanks to everyone for following along! I can’t wait to do it all again even bigger next year, maybe with a nice donkament score to headline it.

That’s what I’ll be dreaming about! Til next time, Vegas.


Very nice work!


I’m just glad to see someone is as anal as I am about logging everything.

Lesson is you need to move up where they respect your raises


Anyone playing poker at a semi-serious level needs to do this.

Agree. But I’m not sure there aren’t a lot of guys who don’t and therefore believe they are much better than they are. And I like that. And taking it down to virtually everything, like all expenses etc. is good too.

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I once had a guy show me his cash results showing him a huge winner but I noticed a recent game we’d both played in was missing I was like where is last thursday didn’t you get rocked in that game? He said “That didn’t count because I was on tilt. I wasn’t playing my true game so it doesn’t make sense to track it.” Sure dude.


Thanks for the TR. Enjoyable read, especially when you took your medicine for some of the food exploits. Also respect the folks who met up and broke bread together. Peace and love.


Like 99% of gamblers “track” only wins. :grinning:

If I tracked it all I’d never gamble again.


Got a great pic of the heart of the strip at dawn on the way out


Headed North then?

I can’t get over the golf course. Has to be close to most expensive land for a golf course on earth!

We turned right shortly after takeoff

And yeah I agree, I don’t think an overpriced golf course is the highest and best use for that land, but what do I know.

On the ground in Chicago waiting to board the last leg home to Raleigh