TJ plays a ton of poker in Vegas for WSOP! ...And occasionally eats

if EV or playing good poker isn’t a part of your thinking and you just want to increase variance, then you should play a Michael Mizrachi style, where you just play every hand preflop trying to make hands early to get a stack.

Every hand no. Very high vpip yes in a tiny buyin super soft tourney.

Who advises going all in or calling which puts you all in after a raise holding 66 in the middle of a tourney?

EV is a pure math perspective.

Thanks for pointing out the obvious. The discussion is what variables you assign to the equation.

Just grunching here but I’m pretty sure you should be shoving blind here unless the blinds are calling stations/deep stacks. K5s is like a fist pump. Someone can correct me if I’m wrong, haven’t played in a while and was never very good to begin with but felt that I have always played a short stack well.

Lol. Poker players really are a fascinating breed.

Wagyu flexing in the food thread while also nitting it up over $10 for meals eaten in the one of the most overpriced food locales in the country.

We should just take all female partners of players in 10+ year relationships and put them in power. Profit.


Don’t think anybody would be barking if it was a $10 mediocre burger, but it was a $40 mediocre burger.

Also, tons and tons of really good, fairly priced food in Vegas.

Even an overpriced burger deserves a defense attorney.

If a ham sandwich can be indicted nobody is safe.


EV is just expected monetary value. LOL at a dollar not being worth a dollar.

Jonathan Little has you pushing 37.9% of hands from the HJ at 6bb.

Why are you assuming that a min-cash is meaningless to someone just because they have a good job?

Where’s the TR thread?


Wow woke up to lots of discussion in this thread. Looking back, I agree I should be folding 98% of hands facing an open with 5.5 bb 3 spots from the money. I wasn’t really thinking, I was just saying well I got a pair with 5.5 bb, it won’t get much better than that. We started hand for hand play after the hand I busted, so I wish I would have validated the previous 11 hours and just folded


He is going to Vegas for two weeks and budgeted $2500 for food. Seems like a reasonable assumption $300 is not life changing to him.

Seems low to me but he’s probably a better player than I am so ymmv. Not sure what the assumptions on calls out of the blinds are but my assumption is that people fold way too often to SS shoves.

My plan today was to wake up early enough to get breakfast and head over to Circa to place some bets and watch the Falcons. Man this west coast morning starts is less than ideal, I woke up at 9:30 which wasn’t much time for the 10:05 kickoffs.

So I’m here! Looks like a nice place.

And the sports book is basically the ultimate fantasy man cave you can imagine

I guess I won’t place any bets today, I’ll look for some pai how do I can get a chip for the collection.

Falcons have a lead, let’s goooooooo!


They kicked me out of the sports book because I didn’t have a wrist band, and there’s no seats in the rows open to the public. Rats.

And of course no open seats at the mega bar. Dammit this may have required more foresight.

What’s this wristband business? How are you supposed to get one.

Think it works like the pool probably. You probably have to reserve a place and then meet a food/drink minimum

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