This thread is for Coen Bros fans only



No Country for Old Men
The Big Lebowski
Inside Llewellyn Davis
True Grit
Miller’s Crossing
A Serious Man
O Brother, Where Are Thou?
Barton Fink
Burn After Reading
Raising Arizona
The Ballad of Buster Scruggs
The Ladykillers

I don’t feel that strongly about a LOT of this ranking. There are some others I may have seen, not sure, or just don’t remember well enough to rank.

Love the Coen Bros. I can see someone calling anything on my list north of the Ballad of Buster Scruggs great.

Heard my hot take that their movies are antisemitic?


The big lebowski is my favorite movie of all time. Wouldn’t necessarily call myself a coen bros “fan” but this singular work is the greatest piece of film ever created. I think I can quote the entire movie from start to finish.

For some reason, “you want a toe dude? I’ll get you a toe by this afternoon, WITH nail polish. Fuckin amateurs” slays me harder than anything else.

I’m an actual ordained minister for the church of latterday dude (aka dudeism), which is a real-ish religion that I married a couple with once.


I married a couple once. In that county anyway you didn’t have to be any kind of minister. Anyone could get a permit for a day to officiate a wedding.

Yea in my county I found out they don’t really care. I just had to sign my name under some field on the marriage certificate application.

My ceremony did include big lebowski quotes though.

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You have Raising Arizona absurdly low


If they wanted it to be higher on my list, they should have made a better movie

This thread reminds me there are still some Coen brothers movies that I need to see


My top 4:
Blood Simple
No Country for Old Men
O Brother Where Art Thou

5-10 range, unsure of order:
Big Lebowski
True Grit
Hudsucker Proxy
Intolerable Cruelty
Burn After Reading
Bad Santa

Need to see again (been too long since watched it):
Miller’s Crossing
Barton Fink
Raising Arizona
The Man Who Wasn’t There
Coffee and Cigarettes

Haven’t seen:
Hail Caesar
Buster Scruggs
Any I missed

Not Great:
A Serious Man

Maybe I need to watch it again

I saw it in the Cinerama dome theater in Hollywood when living in LA and my friend came to visit but I remember it being slow and not enjoying it too much. I didn’t hate it so I’ll try it again

It’s quite slow for most, but so was No Country.

O Brother is criminally underrated ITT. One of the absolute GOAT soundtracks. No Country deserves an asterisk bc Cormac McCarthy did a lot of the heavy lifting.


O Brother is definitely top-tier.

Also reminded me that @Devil is a Coen Bros. fan based on this post and should be in this thread!


It took me a long time to recognize I’m more a fan of adaptations of Cormac’s work than I am the Coens. That pairing was superb. It brought together everything I love about both without everything I wish they’d both stop indulging.

I also very much enjoyed The Counselor, a not well received movie with Ridley Scott directing and Cormac McCarthy writing the screenplay. It’s like the studio forgot that most people hated No Country for Old Men or didn’t understand it.

A cool thing about O Brother is that Alan Lomax’s daughter managed to track down one of the prisoners in the chain gang song and cut him a check for his performance on the soundtrack. $20k is kind of bullshit, but w/e.


Bought that CD back in the day. Also made a “Bluegrass” Pandora channel based on ‘Man of Constant Sorrow.’ It turned out much weirder than that after a while, but it’s still my go to when I know I’ll be driving through small town North Florida or South Georgia.



That album was my introduction to bluegrass, which was very handy when I wound up living in Virginia and able to see some of those musicians live.


Same here regarding bluegrass. It’s like if country music had soul and played interesting stringed instruments.

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