I floated this in one of the walrus threads, but I am going to plant my flag here. I’d like to run a sheep . I’ve participated in a few but never run one. If anyone has done one, let me know what pitfalls I may run into.
My idea, in keeping with the political nature of this forum, is 8-12 questions where the answer should be a Democratic presidential candidate, timed to reveal around the next debate, maybe the day before to build interest, if I can get this started in time. Does that feel like an appropriate length and time frame?
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NBZ, make sure you grab the sheepulator from pOG. Its very hard to run the game without it.
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In although peehs is more my thing
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Never played it and op could be banned any minute, but, survey says, “in”.
Though I am travelling to America tomorrow night. So anything put up over the next 24-48 hours will probably not involve me.
Unless someone has a strong opinion that I need a different number, I will probably have a list of ten questions tonight or tomorrow.
When is the best time to do a presidential candidate sheep reveal?
The day before the debate
In the afternoon, the day of the debate
During the debate
After the debate on the same night
The day after the debate
December 13, 2019, 8:32am
I have no idea what a sheep game is. Do I get to shear something?
I’m landing in America Saturday afternoon. So if anything happens before that, I probably won’t be able to participate.
I also have no idea when the next debate is and am too tired to look it up.
December 13, 2019, 4:26pm
I am strongly anti-during the debate. The only way those debates are tolerable is the snark that comes out in the live thread so I’d hate to miss that
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December 13, 2019, 4:43pm
I only vaguely know what it is because Wookie ran one once. Allow me to borrow an explanation from somewhere:
Sheep : The aim is to match your answer with as many other players as possible. There is no such thing as an incorrect answer, so if someone asks, ‘name a mountain’ and everybody replies, ‘Phil Hellmuth’ then that was the best sheep answer. (example: here )
Below are some variants of Sheep.
Reverse Sheep or “peehs” : The basic aim is twofold:
answer the question correctly.
pick a correct answer that the fewest number of players will also answer.
The game is a combination of trivia and leveling, the ultimate aim being to get a correct AND unique answer for each question. Each correct answer receives as many points as the number of people who submitted that answer. The winner is the person to get the lowest overall score. (example: here )
Kangaroo: Similar to Sheep, but you must put down an incorrect answer, answering a correct answer will score you 0. Highest score wins. (example: here )
Second Best Sheep: Similar to Sheep, but the answer with the most people scores 0. (example here )
Double Shot Sheep: Similar to Sheep, but everyone sends two sets of answers. (example: here )
Alphabet Sheep/Peehs: The same as their counterparts, but you set 26 questions, and each answer must begin with a different letter of the alphabet. (example: here )
CYOA Sheep: Similar to Sheep, except the mod provides clues to answers. The best way to get an idea is to look at a thread (example: here )
Last Man Standing Peehs: Similar to Peehs, except that if a player hits the sheep X amount of times (X usually = 0 or 3), then they’re out. Winner(s) are the last men standing. (example = here )
Sporcle Sheep: The questions all stem from http://www.sporcle.com/ , an online trivia site. You look at the % of people who got each answer for a category (i.e, “countries of the world”), and you need to answer something that was top 25% most answered or bottom 25% least answered of the responses (rounded up to nearest whole number). (example: here )
Elephant: This is like sheep except each response must start with the letter the previous response ended with. (example: here )
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