This Forum imitating Roger Fucking Stone would be a bad thing

Vict0ar is an excellent poster. I feel like for the most part the stupid shit posts about him roll off his back pretty well…I hope so.

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Honestly progressives would be well served to kick the swamp monsters out of the party legitimately even if it hurt the party in the short term. Also +1 to Max that it’s a bit disingenuous to want to have an open discussion about party strategy by deleting an OP you didn’t like and banning the author.


What do you want? Please be as unambiguous as possible.

In what way does that thread turn the forum into the recruiting ground of the Democratic Party? Why can’t the tactics he suggests be used to further your own political goals?

Hilarious dude. You want to prevent the Dem party from becoming too much like the Rs but don’t want people to say shit you don’t like. Intellectual cowardice at it’s worst. You even admit you don’t know what is best. Try thinking through the logical conclusion of your own thesis before suggesting actions against others.


Criticism is not equivalent to action and that is the point that you have lost.

I haven’t ignored or forgotten about this, I just feel that until Biden’s victory is even more secure and trump’s antics peter out, it’ll be impossible to have a measured discussion about anything.

You’re not wrong though, but it’s mostly ambiguous what they’re specifically trying to do, I think intentionally. “Roger Stone of the left” doesn’t even fundamentally make sense, especially considering they’re not talking about anything illegal. Stone is a wicked man who’ll do wicked things for wicked ends. Doing things frowned upon by polite society for good ends isn’t any sort of opposite or anti-Stone; the analogy doesn’t track.

My first impression was they wanted to do just that, like, be in charge of going negative on behalf of primary candidates for DSA or JD et al. But, that’s me projecting, knowing what BS has said recently about M4A and eDems. If we read it plain, like you did, and note how they’re still losing their shit over The Bernies Bros, it lines up way more with your impression.


Lol that actually is the short non-answer and I still want to wait until everybody, myself included, has the temporary election insanity out of their system, but, I’ll add that right now the way they’re treating you is a hell of a tell.

I can’t really square ‘We want to be ruthless with eDems and GOPers’ with ‘Fuck off Bernie Bros’.


I take being being the “Roger Stone of the left” to mean having an interest in dirty tricks and ratfucking and a willingness to do things that are morally ambiguous if not outright unethical, even if legal.

My personal interest is in doing opposition research and digging up dirt to use against enemies in non-substantive attacks as part of a campaign of character assassination that may have a casual association with the truth.

Someone like Victor might say that the establishment did exactly that to Bernie and he may even be right, but I’d say it’s just a part of the game and it’s a flaw in Bernie as a politician if he didn’t hit back in the same manner of have people who would do it for him.

The centrists criticized AOC for her cogent criticism of campaigns when her complaints were grounded solely on methods and not messaging. In this case, it feels like Victor cares less about the tactics and more about on whose behalf they are being used.

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I mentioned this before, but an insurmountable problem with cheering on dirty tricks is that you can’t trust scoundrels. You are just asking to have your faces eaten by leopards.


He doesn’t act terribly bothered. He doesn’t really get into flame wars. Shrug. I don’t really know though.

As for the latter part, well, I don’t know why you’d think that. I suppose it has something to do with his politics, but I guess it could be that you think he posts too mean to not be mean in other ways. You post mean too though. Do you support dirty tricks?


Victor does troll the shit out of skydiver in that way, but I think you troll the shit out of Sabo in that way. I don’t think that kind of trolling implies support for these kinds of dirty tricks though.

I can search if I must, but you bring him up out of the blue to criticize him in conversations that he’s not part of. That’s trolling imo.

Something I’ve found that’s a recurring problem is wanting to refer to another poster without “summoning” them with an @, which is often construed as flaming or bullying (because it often though not always is).

It’s as if we need a different symbol meaning “referred to” rather than “shouted name loudly”.

could put a re: in front of the @ so when they see the post it’s obvious that they’re being referred to.

Sure, but then they might not see that they’re being mentioned.

We aren’t all like chezlaw, doing daily searches of our own user names.

Hi chez!