Things to do while on lockdown for coronavirus

Ok I’m set up. Any requests?

A dog dressed as a clown.


Aight I think that’s in my range.


It may not be as great as Jokerfied Terrier
but I know it will be great.

I like it so far but trying to learn how to mix and layer the paint on the fly. Gouache is hard to work because it’s water soluble and reactivates the under layers of paint. It’s basically an opaque version of watercolor. Also, I’m styling it off of Menswear Dog, the shiba inu. It looked exactly like a dog at first–a golden retriever, that is. I had to rework it significantly to get it back into shiba territory. I’m only working from a basic set of R/G/B/Y + Wht/Blk so setting up the palette is a chore.

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That persistence of memory re-creation is outstanding.

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I feel like the elite entry would be a recreation of Duchamp’s Fountain using rolls of toilet paper.

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i wanna see this one

Damn this would be a pretty good POG game.



Somebody has learned aftereffects in their downtime


Cut your own hair? I usually go to a barber every three weeks for a fade. This past weekend was four weeks and I’m starting to look like some kind of crazy hermit. After watching some videos, I’ve resigned myself to trying to cut it myself, but I can’t find a decently-rated clipper available for sale anywhere. They’re out of stock all over the place.

Anyone got any ideas of where to look? Or alternate plans of some kind?

Somehow just noticed this thread, and I’ll be honest, I only skimmed the last half or so.

Most of my siblings and friends have all joined house party, and we’ve had a bunch of Houseparty sessions. Sometimes just to chat and catch up, and sometimes we’ll fool around with some of the built in games.

I was searching around for online games to play, and came across this ‘Cards Against Humanity’ site. Played it with family/friends one night for about 8 hrs. Pretty straight forward, but it was a good time. We used Houseparty for our video chat, but literally any video chat would go well.


this is awesome, and makes me wish I owned a dartboard, and knew others that owned dartboards.

Atlanta Barber Supply

The one I got is now out of stock, but it came a couple days ago and I cut mine today. The back was a little shaky but the sides (a 3 that blends to the top) and top (scissors) came out okay. I usually get it tapered in the back and don’t recommend trying that yourself, going lower than a 3 I couldn’t fade it enough to not have a line. But there was a pretty big gap in the guards, from 9mm down to 4mm, which is like a 3 down to a 1.25 so I guess that explains it.

You either have to rock it or go clipper over comb. The latter is basically impossible if you don’t have an elite mirror setup.

Yeah my plan is to just wait for it to grow back a bit and use the 3 to smooth it back out and not fade it any lower than that.

I’ve been playing online Codenames with Zoom video chat up. If people haven’t played Codenames, it might be my favourite board game ever made.


Is it on BGG or Tabletop Simulator?