The War on Voting


Do you tingle with glee when you get to evict a minority? Is it extra special if they have small children?

The people you have pictured in your head right now are not my target customer, so I can’t tell you what it feels like. Probably bad, though. Evictions never end well.

Yeah, here in WA I got my disinformation postcard today. The crucial bit is that the postcard includes the instruction:

  • Request your mail-in ballot (often called “absentee” ballot) at least 15 days before Election Day.

Thing is, in WA, everyone gets a ballot automatically. Now tons of people are going to try to request a ballot, sowing all sorts of confusion and creating a ton more work for our already overworked system.

A bit more background was in an article in the Seattle Times last week.


Every time this thread gets bumped I feel noticeable despair.

So your target customer is white, or to flip that around you try not to rent to minorities?

We don’t rent units that would attract people with small children. Limited access to parking and being surrounded by college age kids on the east side of Milwaukee isn’t a great place to raise a family.

I rent to a lot of first timers moving out of their parents house and junior/seniors or recent college grads.

If you have a credit score above 700 and make at least 300% of the rent in verifiable monthly income, you can be or identify as whatever minority you choose. If not, find a co-signer who does and we’ll be happy to have you.

Right, right, officially. So do you just put a “C” on those applications like Daddy used to, or what?

LOL, so you discriminate. God youre a scumbag.

700 credit score to live in Wisconsin

Wat? We love co-signers. Co-signers are usually parents who care about their credit and will pay up if there’s a problem with the kids.

The more co-signers the better.

C does not stand for co-signer.

A former Trump superintendent named Thomas Miranda testified that multiple Trump Management employees had instructed him to attach a separate piece of paper with a big letter “C” on it — for “colored” — to any application filed by a black apartment-seeker.

My post should be unflagged after the bullshit he’s trying to pull

The bullshit who’s trying to pull? Ins0?

Cheering for a murder is pretty bad.



I was pretty shocked yours was blocked. Post Eddie Murphy on SNL next time.

Fuck landlords.

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Pretty far cry from “fuck landlords” to cheering for someone decapitating a landlord with a samurai sword.

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Oh, no that’s not a thing that happens around here. Applications are submitted electronically, and the screening is largely automated.

It feels like you’re fishing for me to give you something to tickle that race card in your pocket. You’ll just have to latch on to that credit score requirement and call it a day, because that’s as close as it gets. I truly don’t care what color you are or which kind of genitals you find offensive or whatever. Pay the rent, adhere to the lease, we won’t call you, you don’t call us unless there’s a problem, everyone is happy.

Not how I would choose to resist but real resistance often requires a strong stomach.

Landlords are killing tons of people, they’re just doing it systemically, legally, allowing them to rationalize away their individual responsibility. A tenant does not have the law or the state on his side and is sometimes forced into drastic action.

I’m not super comfortable with this, but I feel the same way as I do when I see cops ambushed in Compton. “Wow, that sucks, but what did you expect? You can only push people so far.”

Our brains are justifiably repulsed seeing people physically murdered but they’re not good at calculating murder by rent and by law which is a lot more common than a dude who kills his landlord by samurai.

There are other ways to resist but if the organization isn’t in place you might just have to use the samurai.


Can we not do this nonsense in every thread on this site? You already have at least three threads for killing all capitalists. If this pollutes every thread I’m gone for good. It bothers me.

My old landlord was very sweet to me. She rented out her family property that covered 4 lots. She only raised my rent once in 11 years. I don’t think she should be murdered. Nor do I feel like I should be murdered if I go on the road and rent out my condo.

Stop acting like the worst of the right and painting everything with one broad, violent brush.


Just for you I’ll flag it so you won’t be exposed to it