The TSLA Market / Economy

It’s a cable TV and weed company, man.

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Errrrrm, what?

That isnt a thing. Were they a former cable tv company that has sprouted into weed because cable tv is dead? Why was their price 0 3 months ago?

Also, did they IPO in 2012 at 3 dollars and immediately lose like 98%, of their value? What is this company?

@Fatboy8 can shed more light for you, but I believe you basically have it correct. Cable TV company that is morphing into a cannabis company. They’ve bought up a bunch of farmland in Florida and will be rebranding at some point.

I also posted some light research upthread. It’s exactly as sketchy as it sounds, but that doesn’t mean it can’t pump. (FWIW I have not bought in, though am still considering.)

I’m not familiar with insider trading stuff, so hypothetically -

If Person A has a family member (Person B) that works for a company, and Person B tells Person A about it and to invest in it, and Person A tells me about it, any issues for any of the persons involved?

They all can get fucked if any one of them buy or sell stock based on material, non-public information.

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Well, what I know is basically in Johnny’s post above. I don’t know how much Person A knows from Person B, only that the two of them are heavily invested.

Previous cable tv company that has shifted into cannabis. Somebody I know is close to somebody at the company and gave me the heads up. The somebody I know wouldn’t fuck me, and the person they’re close to absolutely wouldn’t fuck him.

It’s weed, and it’s sketchy. What could go wrong?


The press release in Johnny’s post would constitute public information, so trading based on that is fine. Knowing also that one or more people are heavily invested isn’t usually considered “material,” as that is seldom the sort of thing that would move the stock price on its own.


Penny stock discord I’m in was talking about CATV yesterday. A lot of them also believe it’s a scam.

The jury isn’t out on whether CATV may become a successful business - it wont. But that doesn’t necessarily imply that it’s a scam of any sense more than a bunch of folks buying something with an insanely small cap in the hopes that it may go to the moon after what enough people have seen lately. That itself is more of the scam.

It certainly can be possible to make money on this particular stock but you’d have to take in the liquidity issues when it comes to dumping. It could be comically bad with a stock of this size that may not be fully understood by the folks buying it - also part of the scam.

Guy I’ve been following after I found out he bought ZOM at 0.12 is buying TTOO tomorrow.

This is not financial advice.

Wait you can only deduct 3k in losses a year?

Mistakes were made.

Yes, and you can use whatever losses you have in a year plus carryover from prior years to offset arbitrarily large gains

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Sold out of my 0DTE GME call for a decent profit. It’s guaranteed to pass 500 today now that I’m out of it.

My plan was to put some of that money into a higher strike for next week as a gamble on a continued squeeze, still not sure of that though.

Edit: yea fuck it, took a flyer on a $500 strike expiring next week :grin:


Stopped paying attention for a few weeks. Can someone explain how the fuck gamestop is once again up to like $250? Also my Apha stock is still down $5 from what I bought it at, WTF!?!? I was prommised huge gains.

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Dumb question but if I keep more than $25k in my account (to avoid pattern day trader trap), can I just max out my margin every morning going long on stocks and then sell before the end of the day every day without ever paying any interest?



I was so excited to act on this hot UP tip to get in on the ground floor with CATV

So I opened a Fidelity account, let’s do this!

Nope, gotta wait 24-48 business hours to verify my identity.

Ok, identity verified, let’s transfer $50 from my bank and put it on CATV!

Nope, can only trade OTC stocks with settled funds, which takes 4-6 days.

In this time it went from $0.0016 to $0.0034 when I was actually able to buy it, for a difference of like ~2,000 shares that I would have liked to have when this inevitably moons.

But I have opened a position! To the moooooon :rocket::rocket::rocket: