The TSLA Market / Economy

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My pony fell off a cliff


It’s a $5 stock trading at $350 so no way to rationally make sense of any of this. These halts back in the GME heyday were always followed by huge upswings though.

I’ve seen this garph in poker winnings form.



Fidelity cockblocking me from joining the CATV party.

Pretty sure I triggered this by telling my girlfriend “hey, remember gamestop? they’re back up near 350 again”. Seriously, that happened at like 12:15.

Oh wow immediately to 216 when it reopened and halted again.

This has to be HFT driven, right? How do stocks just fall out of nowhere like this on zero news.

Everyone has a stop loss of like 10% off recent high?

Ok I’m in business. Fun fact I just learned - penny stock orders aren’t insta-filled.


lmao so he lost 1/3 in 10 minutes or so? amazing


Now AMC is tanking to and dragging CNK with it like it always does.

This drop throws my gamma squeeze thesis out the window, lol. What in the fuck

The insane thing is he had over 200 shares Monday. Day traded the proceeds from selling the 200 shares into 150 shares today and then bought the top again.


Halted again? My buddy lost probably half of what he makes in a year in like 15 minutes.


a big player in the game either dumped a lot or said the fuck is this stupid shit I’m just gonna fire against it now.

Yea it must be. I’m not a big conspiracy theory person but shit like this makes me wonder about the whole “market manipulation” angle to this.

I’m on the CATV train now.


Now it’s at 200. Apparantly I am more of a jinx than Witchita

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