The TSLA Market / Economy

Nasdaq stonking heavily today!

Lol what’s going on with CATV? Up 44% today, most of which happened in the past half hour.


See you on the moon boys.


Dunno what’s up, but a little +.008 movement is pretty good dough with 80k shares.


I missed picking up an additional 30k CATV shares on Thursday because my limit buy was set .002 too high. Lol limit buys I guess. Can’t complain about the original investment, though.

Edit: By the way, my completely uneducated opinion is that I’d expect this to pop pretty significantly whenever the name change goes through. I’ll be looking for another dip to get in on, probably.


Why is GME the Golf Channel all of a sudden? I wanna see some SWONGS dammit

Tesla added more than two Hondas to its market cap since breakfast.

Roblox goes public tomorrow. Seems like a lock meme stock.

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I’ll pick up more shares when it dips again as well. I’d like to get up to about 200k shares just in case.

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I guess I should have done this yesterday, but I didn’t. I closed out my OMC and AX positions, and bought FSLY, which has been beaten down, but is up 10% today.

Edit: Also did my monthly DCA of cash back into VIOV, VTI, VXUS

I’m sick of QCLN living and dying by TSLA. I’m going to dump it. I purposely don’t want to be holding the bag when TSLA crashes.

Anyone know of a green energy ETF that doesn’t swong with TSLA?

NBA Top Shot


Probably not as interesting the second time, but if it does get some attention I bet it drives up even higher than before.

I don’t think there is much that is going to suit your fancy, atm. Albermarle may be something a little more sturdy but it’s an individual company, ldo and may not be what you want. Most of that stuff is going to trade ridiculous right bow and I personally would probably short em now if I had to choose.

Qcln has a pretty gross expense ratio so holding longish term will bleed off some money, ftr.

I’m dumping QCLN for NCLH (the other other cruise line stonk) tomorrow. I’m all in on the cruise lines.

Yeah, that’s substantially better. qcln is shit, imo.

100% CATV


Just divested shares of my S&P fund to take a massive position in CATV.

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Even WSB is like this shit is going to be way overpriced