The TSLA Market / Economy

You know it’s a good stock when the release reads like it was penned by a grammatically-challenged 5th grader haha

What’s the play here for the people running the company after the pump? Just sell their shares? Offering that dilutes existing shares to near-zero so they can risk other people’s capital on some hail mary?

Hmm, maybe I misread it, but I almost never sell shares of my fund, and there was a message telling me I’m restricted for the next 30 days from using the same funds to buy any other stocks.

Is CATV available to buy on Robinhood?

Idk but RH seems like a bad choice regardless. I was able to buy catv on ibkr.

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I really hope CATV actually does something and all of us get rich.

I trust my peer who told me about it, and the person he knows that’s involved wouldn’t screw him, I know that for sure.

Might be a long ride, so strap in.

I hope in a year or two we’re all reminiscing about this super shitty stock we bought that seemed like a joke that ended up mooning.


No. Robinhood doesn’t support trading for OTC stocks (penny stocks) unless they’re on the NASDAQ or NYSE.

Fidelity does support those for $0 trades

well uh this looks bad

Well, 2021 gains on both nq and spx is gone now

Wow. Thanks Biden.

Gonna have to make our money back betting on Rs to win every midterm


You say it jokingly but have already read an unironic “Biden’s America is really helping the markets. Thanks Joe!”

So we’re really gonna have mooning stocks during the pandemic followed by drilling for the recovery, huh.

Gas prices are getting a bit high too.

Being a Republican is fun.


Are you questioning the Great and Glorious Market? Shame on you.

You get to win a lot more, that’s for sure. You don’t actually win anything good, but a win is a win.

Health insurers were up of course, $50 billion of free money headed their way.

It’s like a rubber band. Gotta pull it back before you can launch.

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I want to say it’s been due to treasury yields creeping up but I’m gonna need a good @spidercrab post to analyze in more depth



LOL at explaining day-to-day movements, but it is pretty reasonable to think that higher treasury yields should lead to lower stock prices. (Investing is just choosing among different expected return/risk combinations. So if the expected return of the risk-free asset increases, you’ll only be willing to hold risky equities if their expected return increases as well. That’s synonymous with saying that you’re willing to pay less for the equities.)

But it’s not like inflation expectations jumped in a single day - they’ve moved up bigly since the election:


  • Man am I pumped to have refinanced to a 2.625% 30-year fixed rate. Bring on that inflation!

  • Unfortunately, TDA still won’t let me short DoorDash.

A $45 billion market cap for this garbage company. What a time to be alive.

Why are cruise lines and Delta tanking? Not getting bailed out?