The TSLA Market / Economy

Thanks. My reflex answer would have been 50/50 for 2% and 70/30 for 4%, but it sounds like that is almost backwards. But I guess the strategy you have outlined sounds better.

I’ve read a bunch of “WTF: GameSTONK!!!” articles the last few weeks, but I think this one was executed the best, from a narrative perspective.


When does suzzer’s newsletter drop. Betting on movie chains who were bankrupt prior to covid and haven’t operated since is fucking meme af. He is holding out on us.

(Yes I am joking and the anti-Wichita fund is at minus 197% in 2021. Also we should all root for suzzer. The faster he hits the road permanently the sooner we get the legendary trip reports)

ETA-i can promise I am not clowning you. I would have a lot more money if I followed you than me.

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Honest question: If you think climate change is a danger and believe that AOC Green new deal is a good idea should we still trying to make a profit by using oil or similar stonks? Are we actually better people if we also trying to make a profit at all costs? I know its not easy. Probably my main ETF also reflects stonks a that I shouldnt buy with good conscience but I also invested in one that doesnt use “compromised” stocks during the dip last year. They basically have similar growth rates so far.

Great read

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It’s not clear to me that you accomplish anything by refusing to buy those things in the secondary market.

EDIT: I mean yes in theory the more secondary market demand the easier it is for those companies to raise money etc but I have to believe that if you made a bunch of money daytrading some oil stock and donated some of the profits to a green cause you would’ve done a net good.

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According to Aristotle, Thales was crushing stonks before there were stonks


Strong retail numbers = stocks down

Very cool very rational.

Here’s my stock tip for the day. Buy January 2022 calls on CCL. I think the stock rockets back up mid-year when most folks are vaccinated. And those that aren’t will still go on cruises because they’re that type of person.

I bought $30 strikes yesterday and they’re grinding up…

Yeah I was thinking this.

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Also, the types that are more likely to go on cruises will be the population that has priority on vaccinations.

shoulda sold DNN on that morning moon mission to 1.8, but got some more july calls on the drill to 1.4 earlier

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Or you could have just followed me into CCL when I posted it here back in Nov. :p

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I didn’t trust the Suzzer ETF yet. Now I do.

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Certainly dont buy bitcoin.

DeepFuckingValue being sued for securities fraud.

I also bought RCL in Nov at 80 (it’s at 75 now).

True smart people jumped on cruise lines in March.

Called it

LOL not one person prosecuted for 2009

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