The TSLA Market / Economy

Yea the afternoon selloff was a bit disappointing, but at least it closed >$1B.

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Tbh I don’t think it’s either lol, at least it doesn’t seem to be a meme outside of our community. I doubt we’d even be in it if we didn’t have a poster who shared the company name. It’s like a bet on a future meme, though there are some actual potential stock movement catalysts this week.

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Any advice on what to do with these March CLVS calls?

I have a sell order at $4. Stock needs to hit about $12.40 for it to execute… Think I should lower that to $3 or $3.5?

I don’t think any of us will be able to give you meaningful advice.

They’ve got better-than-expected earnings coming up, but that’s been known for a few days and is priced in by now. Catalyst-wise:

  • They’ve got some presentations at a medical conference on Thursday (abstracts posted in 20 minutes at 5pm EST) that may or may not give further information on the usefulness of their products. I don’t think it can be anything not already discussed in their SEC disclosures but I’m not positive on that.
  • There’s a potential that it gets picked up by the WSB crowd as they attempt to find other heavily-shorted stocks after GME stagnates for long enough. In theory, WSB bans <$1B stocks, a threshold which CLVS just passed today. In practice, I doubt the $1B threshold is what was keeping WSB from mentioning this stock (because I don’t think they actually moderate for that), but who knows.

I’m just gambling on those two ^ for fun with 10 weekly 15.5cs, so it’s moonshot or bust for me. Your risk tolerance may differ.

Disclaimer, this is not financial advice, etc etc. I haven’t even read their SEC disclosures :grin:


Update: the abstracts are posted on the conference website. Quotes here, links below:

Results from TRITON2 showed antitumor activity for rucaparib in patients with BRCA+ mCRPC associated with or without co-occurring alterations in TP53. Demographics and additional efficacy analyses in genomic subgroups with co-occurring alterations in TP53, PTEN, and RB1 will be reported.

Among treatments for patients with mCRPC, chemotherapy-based regimens showed the highest CSE rates per treatment year. These data indicate the burden of treatment for patients and can inform treatment decisions.

A combination of enzalutamide and rucaparib was not associated with a clinically significant effect on PK profiles of either drug. No DLTs were observed. The overall safety profile of rucaparib 600 mg BID + enzalutamide 160 mg QD was consistent with that observed in monotherapy. These PK, safety, and early efficacy data support further studies of rucaparib and enzalutamide at the recommended combination dose, including in the phase 3 CASPAR study in pts with mCRPC (NCT04455750).

So far it’s ticked up a couple pennies since posting, shrug.

Just an update on the Alex Kearns story, the 20 yr old who was trading options on his RH account and killed himself after mistakenly believing he was $730,000 in the hole after seeing this screenshot:

According to there was more to the story:


The story noted that Alex could get no clarifying info from RH, save for a vague, boilerplate response.

Some time later in the day, possibly when he was dying or already dead, RH sent a follow-up robo email telling him to ignore the previous request for funds.


Ahh yes, i recognize some of those words.

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That’s awful… Robinhood needs to be held accountable

We are all waiting for Clovis to blow up for absolutely no reason and then shortly return to normal.


It’s actually pretty standard wording for a margin account. Of course, that kid should have never been allowed anywhere near a margin account.

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Of course. :roll_eyes:🤷

Alright, I got in CLVS pre-market with you all. Let’s send this thing to the moon! :rocket::rocket::rocket::rocket::rocket:


Someone needs to invent a downward pointing rocket emoji

Edit: swongs

Rockets only go to the Moon or to Mars!

Ooh, big day today. It’s the randomly chosen day of the month that I move another 0.5% into VTI / VIOV / VXUS. So exciting! :older_man: :coffee:



In non-meme stock news, my 401k just removed the Vanguard Emerging Markets fund that I had a small percentage of my allocation going towards. I think I was something like 60/30/10 US/international/EM. The replacement fund has a much, much higher expense ratio, so I think I’m going to go to just 60/40 US/international. Am I missing much by not having a dedicated EM component? I can make up for that in my Roth IRA if necessary.

Worth mentioning that I’m young and have a high risk tolerance.

welp TLRY squeezing again

Is the bottom falling out on GME? My 3 puts are :rocket::rocket::rocket:.

Yes. Realistically based on fundamentals, this stock is still trading like 12 times higher than it should be right now.