The TSLA Market / Economy

I am aware they are wildly overpriced based on fundamentals, but I need a bunch of diamond hands to become paper hands before my puts expire on Friday!

Apparently the updated short amounts are to be revealed at end of market close today. I read that on the GME thread on reddit today. They’re already talking about how the numbers can be faked so they may not sell even if it’s bad news though. It reminds me of the crazy Trump can still win Qanon delusion stuff at this point

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I haven’t waded into those threads in a while, so maybe this is known, but even if there is high short interest how can they tell when those shorts were initiated? If a bunch of shorts closed and then re-initiated short positions when it was $300+ (so presumably unlikely to be “squeezable”), how will they be able to tell the difference between that and a bunch of low-$ shorts that could get margin called? (also how the fuck would anyone NOT have been margin called during the run-up? It is baffling to me that people could see that run-up in price and conclude that the squeeze hasn’t happened yet)

I feel really good for that 10-year old who knew to sell his GME Kwanzaa stocks when the price had peaked.



I thought I replied to this immediately but it was still in the draft window, my bad.

If he’s using it for anything longer than hourly candles, tell him I said he’s a fish using astrology. I mean, not totally but I think all that shit starts to break down fast even at the hourly frame.

But yeah, it’s a line that condenses some specific price information into an easier to eyeball format. I know your feeling, it’s the same I had when I learned what a moving-average line was. I thought it was an average of the ancient mystical secrets but then realized, oh, ok, it’s just a fucking line. Basically, I’m of the school of thought that the charts and indicators work because everybody and everybody’s algo bot is looking at the same charts and indicators. I suspect financebros and cryptobros et al don’t readily explain it like this because they have a vested personal and political interest in not admitting their whole entire thing is ridiculous, but I have no such qualms lol. The whole entire thing is ridiculous.

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There is some truly depressing stuff on that reddit. Damn.

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Update from my all-in friend. Bought more shares yesterday.


you gotta average down! Think of how many shares you will be able to buy if it crashes all the way to $1!


He sounds like this person on the gme_meltdown:



He’s using hourly candles. He has tested shorter bars, but those didn’t perform as well, and I think the reason is that they naturally cause more trades to happen. When you’re a bot that flips coins, variance is your friend and a bigger sample size is your enemy.

Specifically he’s using RSI divergence in combination with some magic RSI levels. I coded the thing for him in the Multicharts dummy language. I have to admit, part of me likes the idea of divergence. Most of the time, RSI moves lockstep with the price, but sometimes it doesn’t, and it’s natural to think that maybe that’s a sign of something. But I’ll believe it when I see quantitative evidence.

But not the big money / hedge funds / institutions, right? Are there enough small players reading these astrological signs in unison for a self-fulfilling prophecy? Despite each person using different inputs for RSI length, overbought/sold levels, etc?

Thats… fucking insane.

Like, we live in a world where people like this actually exist. Its kind of an existential crisis to me. How do we ever get past so many people believing so many demonstrably wrong things?

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There’s a huge shortage of critical thinking out there. You can make a pretty good living just by having some and using it to figure out which bottleneck to stand next to.

CLVS is coiling up. As you can see from the lines i drew -

obviously, we have here a classical 60-60-60 triangle at the end of a bull flag pole, my target is $14.2069.

The low volume is a good sign because it means we all have diamond hands so there is no one selling.
If the volume was high, it would also be a good sign because it means a lot of people are buying CLVS.



All weed stocks are going bonkers, check out TLRY, HEXO, SNDL, etc

Something new happening? House discussing something federally, or Yellen opening up banking options?

Have you heard about our lord and savior CLVS? :rocket:


Seems like everyday I look there is a company that jumps like 300 or 400% in a day. Today it was AUVI just need to somehow find one of those and you’ll be rubbing cash on your titt1es

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