The TSLA Market / Economy

LMAO $25 million.

2nd big dump of bbby was after people realized cohen dumped his shares wsb rekt

the loss posts are gonna be glorious

wait jim cramer was right about something, wtf

wsb is bizarre though, their main guy dumped all his shares, the executives dumped all their shares, and they’re like NOTHING HAS CHANGED BUY IT NOW

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That’s how inflation works

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oh how is WSB gonna spin that


Yeah they had some scorching takes about the Form 144 but once they got smacked with the Schedule 13D there was no more denying RC sold.

Naturally, bagholders are scrambling to come up with new bullshit to recruit bag relievers, but I think the stonk will drill more in the morning.

Screenshot from 2022-08-18 23-12-39


A lot of apes getting absolutely obliterated by the “bagholder spotted” bot, makes me crack the fuck up every time but extra funny right now. I still don’t know what phrases trigger it, sure seems sentient at times.

Layoffs at my company. I’m not affected, but this fucking sucks :frowning:


In lots of restaurants they simply list the prices in dry erase marker so they can change them on a daily/weekly basis. So it’s a bit cheaper when 1 dollar is worth 18 lira compared to 10, but not substantially so. Turkey is pretty awesome and really cheap regardless.

I’m bored at work, can’t nap because I actually came to the office and am the only one. What should I do with the bloomberg terminal for the next hour?

Can you play Tetris on that bad boy?

Lost my boss who was an amazing guy. Really fucking sucks.

Sorry to hear that shit is super stressful.

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I see I’m too late but do you even READ < GO >
Not sure if it’s worse than WSJ given I don’t subscribe to the latter.

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usually now is a good time to buy cause it usually goes up when people are inside in the winter again

but I’m not getting that feel

Wishing you a good replacement, or a good search for a new job.

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feels like a good time to scroll wsb loss posts

I see bloodbath and beyond

off to a good start