The TSLA Market / Economy

Putin invaded Ukraine to raise gas prices to put Trump back in the white house. Chessmate libtards


And that’ll set us up for the GOP to take the trifecta with the super majority in 2024, which means rubber stamping almost the complete far-right looney toons GOP agenda for probably the rest of our lives. ACA, Medicare, Medicaid, and CHIP could all be toast. Social Security likely gets privatized. Massive massive tax cuts. Federal abortion ban, federal CRT bans, federal gun-owner protections.

Then throw in the voter ID and some voter suppression and really lock it in for good.

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They should raise it and set it to expire in like a decade to give us a fighting chance at not defaulting.


Typo. Put the decimal in the wrong place. Anyone can make that mistake.

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Sold my EDU at $21.87, for +50% from 2/4 to 6/15. S&P did -15.54% in that time span.

Overall value portfolio I started is still beating the S&P handily, although in a lot of cases that means losing less.

More on my decision to not gamble on the upside: EDU could go to $200-250, but that’s a long-term gamble on them restoring old profitability which is largely a gamble on what the Chinese government decides to do in the edtech space. I have no insight on that. My edge/insight on this was to find it trading at a big reduction to tangible book value and read enough to figure out they could become profitable again. Looks like those profits are going to be much smaller than before barring regulatory changes back to the old system, and it’s always traded at a 10-12x valuation on average regardless of book value, so $2-2.50 per share of earnings already seems to be priced in. That’s what they’re likely to restore it to next year, so my edge of finding this before others has now eroded and thus I sold.

I guess now I hope that it doesn’t go to $200 a share and make me feel stupid.

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Will mortgage rates only be 7% after another 300 basis points?

Why is IBA tanking hard?

I believe it’s because the dollar is doing poorly against the peso and the buyout is in pesos. The buyout price was up to $50.16 per share maybe a week ago, now it’s down to $47.40. (It’s 81.66 pesos per regular share, and there are 12 regular shares to 1 ADR share.)

81.66 pesos had been fluctuating between $4 and $4.18 for a while, it’s broken out of that range to $3.95 which is concerning… There is going to be another rate hike in Mexico, so I guess the concern is that if we stop hiking rates and they keep going, the peso does better against the dollar and the 81.66 peso offer is worth less and less in dollars.

You mean the peso is doing poorly against the dollar.

The dollar index is basically at a 20 yr high.

Wait, this is the one thing where the terminology always confuses the shit out of me. If 81.66 pesos = $4.18 dollars, the peso is doing better than if 81.66 pesos = 3.95 dollars.

OK, right, the peso is getting worse against the dollar now. The Mexican Central Bank is hiking their rate 75 basis points.

There’s already shareholder anger over the buyout price being too low, so if the inflation is uneven between the two currencies and the buyout price gets worse and worse, the board will be under immense pressure to force a higher price. But they’re probably corrupt as shit, since they took the current price.

No. If a peso now buys fewer dollars than it’s doing worse.

Isn’t that what I said? This is already my Achilles heel don’t trip me up any worse lol

To me it looks like that’s what you said but I’m not a finance bro at all.

Math and logic are usually strong suits for me, but when I start comparing currency values I become incredibly stupid and bad at logic and words.

Yes I misread the second post.

Looks like we’re all gonna be ok again guys. The cat has arisen.

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OK I’m glad I’m slightly less dumb about that than I thought. Slightly.

Most likely thing to me seems to be a continuation of what keeps happening this year. Ballparking it, YTD we’ve gone…

S&P 4,800 → 4,300 → 4,600 → 4,200 → 4,600 → 4,400 → 4,450 → 4,200 → 4,300 → 3,900 → 4,100 → 3,900 → 4,200 → 3,700 → ?

Lots of dead cats.

I’m just glad that everything is going to be okay now.