The TSLA Market / Economy

Ah then we agree.

My buddy just got a 25% raise w/o asking. Tech company scared good people will leave.

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Yes, I know you, me and suzzer are all roughly on the same page. But you also implied (vaguely, without an example) that it is a common thing for people to ruin their lives by choosing to never be responsible. I don’t think “pretty shitty lives” is something often achieved primarily due to poor financial decisions and irresponsibility. That seems pretty rare to me, and people either end up there through circumstances beyond their reasonable control, or they have a different definition of what a shitty life entails.

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One of my colleagues at my last job had an amazing experience on this front. The company wanted to downsize so they let him go but also with a decent package (he had, I think 6 months of salary continuance). He took a break and did a long trip with his family and generally was making the most of it. Around the time his salary continuance was scheduled to end the company called him up and offered him his job back. It turns out that he was quietly taking care of a bunch of critical stuff, getting no recognition from his bosses who didn’t understand how things actually got done, and when he was gone the wheels completely fell off. He ended up with basically a multimonth sabbatical at full pay plus some fully justified smug satisfaction that they had screwed up so bad.


Tech roles is an area where this is not surprising, the offers are coming fast and furious in that field for sure.

This is going to be an interesting recession bc unemployment is so low. Popcorn :popcorn:

man this will never happen but i feel like im in a situation like that, that’s awesome

i did finally stop “quietly” fixing stuff tho. i found a critical bug lately that no one thought was real so when i handled it it basically blasted its existence to the rest of the world.

I’m going to get a shit raise despite getting a promotion because I’m tied to the company due to my bonus I have to work off.


Our new union did agree on a contract, so we are at least getting some kind of bump next paycheck. Will be the first time my paycheck has been different since mid-2019.


Has there ever been a recession with record-low unemployment? Does that even count as a recession? Strange times


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You can’t have rich people making less money without them taking it out on ordinary people, too.


Bolded is probably true. Perhaps it would be more accurate to say that their lives turn out quite a bit shittier than they otherwise would have been.

I can think of some of people I went to college with, who if they just spent a tiny bit more effort and didn’t fuck around quite so much, would have ended up much better off than they did. All have varying degrees of regret about this. Admittedly, some have close to none.

I assume this was a smaller company. Good for them for not doubling down on the stupidity. At larger companies, middle managers would sooner cut their own arm off than admit they fucked up. They will just spout some argle-bargle about how this dude just wasn’t a good fit and watch everything go down in flames as they replace him with someone else. It’s not like they will personally get hurt. They are immune to most fuck ups and this one doesn’t sound quite big enough.

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My company is doing a scheduled raise in July. I’m in an extremely short staffed field, literally hundreds of open positions across the country and there’s no easy pipeline to get new people qualified. On the one hand that’s nothing new and it hasn’t resulted in significant raises. On the other hand there’s been a noticeable focus on retention recently and I’ve been promised the upcoming raise will be “significant.” I’m just not sure I have the same definition of “significant” as my employer but I’m hoping to be surprised.

What’s that? (If you don’t mind sharing)

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There was a big WSJ article today about the music stopping in several markets including Austin. It seems like we are past the peak.

Maybe we should just let inflation run wild and slowly wipe out the boomers and their sub 1% CD rates.

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