The TSLA Market / Economy

that may take the cake for biggest humble brag on that site

Seems like a pretty big fuck up on the tax planning front, too! He claims he’s leaving it all to charity, in which case a DAF was a no-brainer.

until my LARP post next week where i’m looking for advice on selling $41 million of stock


That’s for bank/cash transactions not stock trading.

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He seems pretty confident he only paid $800, and maybe so given it’s Vanguard, but I would do a lot more homework in that spot to avoid getting ripped off by the trading desk.

That ain’t no humblebrag. That’s just a straight up sick brag.

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Jobs report beats expectations = people have more money to spend = more inflation = more rate hikes = not stonks

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Obviously, stonks have not been stonking this year. But I think it’s worth noting that GameStop somehow still has a market cap of $10 billion, and DoorDash is at $24 billion.

What is GameStop even going to sell in ten years? Everything’s online now, my PS5 doesn’t even have a slot for physical discs. Surely it’s going to go the way of Blockbuster Video.

Eh vast majority of ps5s are disc and I always buy them so I can give them away later. Plus 15% off through work!

All the funko pops you could ever want.

I guess they better hope Funko Pops never go out of style, because physical videogame media sure is.

Seems like a natural seguy would be to move into recreational marijuana sales?

I’m curious as to how hard the S@P gets hit when gme drops back to a 1B or tesla to 150B. So far it hasn’t responded well which isn’t a great sign.

A natural what, now?

Idk. Weed is legal in Canada and there are more weed stores than Tim Hortons in my city. It is absolutely oversaturated already.

You also have to be 19+ to enter dispensaries, so selling video games in a place kids/teens can’t enter is a bad idea.

There are so many weed stores in Canada that I don’t think they make a lot of money. I am sure someone somewhere is doing well, after all they are selling and addictive product, but I definitely think the hype when marijuana was legalized far outreached the actual capacity of this market.

Not particularly addictive even.

Every weed store I’ve seen in the US and Canada has a line out front pretty much constantly.

Looks like a business opportunity!