The TSLA Market / Economy


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Target/Walmart got wrecked.

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that seems…bad. inflation is reaching a point where consumers are starting to cut back on consumption, i dont know how we avoid a recession.

Fed fucked up.

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How so? Letting it get out of hand before acting?

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Never thought I’d see our stock (W) below $45 again :sob: 1 year high over $325 too. RIP

i mean they spent a year saying inflation was transitory even after it very clearly wasnt. seems like a slightly slower recovery to control inflation before it got out of hand would have been preferrable to what we have now which was a super fast recovery followed by what looks to be a pretty bad recession.



OOF - reminds me of skipperbob’s SNG chart.

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I wonder if the problem is they overestimated the amount covid was going wreck the job market and overall economy, and leaned into it too much.

Weren’t most of the covid unemployed in the service industry making more money on unemployment++ than from their job? Not really sure that record low interest rates and mailing checks to families whose income hadn’t declined was necessary.

I find the Fed’s constant interest rates tinkering to be somewhat immoral and feel like it will always favor the rich and/or financially literate. One family buys a house at the start of covid for $400k at 3% ($1700) and another family buys the same house next door today for $600k at 5.5% ($3400/mo). Wtf?

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I more or less agree with that, I just wasn’t sure if that’s the point Riverman was making or not.

Anyways, I really fucking regret not buying a house summer 2020…

Another 50-75% down and this market becomes investible again.


It could definitely happen. But then it will just shoot up and become uninvestable again. Or maybe lost decades like Japan. It seems like we don’t do slow steady growth anymore.

One thing I know for sure - if I capitulate and sell now, that will mark the bottom.

Japan outcome where we essentially never seen January highs again very in play, agreed.

i think they correctly determined they did not go far enough in 2008 and went too far in the other direction. they were correct to error on the side of going too big vs not big enough but probably went too far

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Possible but we have a lot more going for us than Japan did and our bubble wasn’t nearly as bad. The main risk I see is our non-functioning political system.

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Dammit Riverman