The TSLA Market / Economy

But its a Ponzi unlike equities

It’s all a ponzi


Really not understanding why it’s hard for people to understand that profitable companies that make actual money and distribute that money to shareholders are different from drawings of apes and Monopoly money, but here we are.


In my country, getting a job is Ponzi scheme. Saving for retirement: Ponzi scheme. Open lemonade stand: Ponzi scheme. Striking oil: double Ponzi scheme. We have the best economy in the world because of Ponzi scheme.


But what about airdrops

Many people aren’t capitalists, at least ideologically (we’re all clearly participants).

I have so many friends who are incredibly intelligent in nearly every way but who are still convinced they are going to “beat the market”. They are going to the guy who outguesses the institutional investors and the stochastic nature of the market. It’s unreal.

I sit back and dollar cost average money into my balanced etfs quarterly and pay little attention to the market. They are shocked when I have no idea if the market is going good or bad any given day.


I have a question I hope you guys can answer…

If Biden HAD been able to pass his infrastructure/stimulus package, would inflation be worse than what it is now?

I feel like the right is championing Manchin’s grave, stately concerns about spending being worse for inflation, which is already a huge problem, and it seems to be becoming something of a dunk. I’m questioning the premise.

Probably not, I don’t think.

Krugman wrote about it. The answer was only a little bit more inflation. They spending was spread out.

Plus it was all/mostly paid for.

Biden passed all the stuff in BBB that Manchin was ok with right? Then they tried to force Manchin’s hand with the rest. Or do I have that wrong?

This looks like the work of ethical skeptic. I would almost bet money with the random latin stuff thrown in.

But then again it’s not his color scheme.


Zillow manages record losses during the biggest run up in real estate prices of all time and the CEO still has his job. Truly amazing.

Cramer stock picks! lolllll

There needs to be a documentary about how Zillow fucked that all up. Amazing!

Somehow I didn’t realize that WeWork did, in fact, end up going public.

Now under a $4Billion market cap and still almost certainly overvalued. LOL SoftBank. Speaking of:

Going forward, the Japanese conglomerate will be more selective about which deals to take on, roll out stricter criteria for new investments, and focus on improving returns from its portfolio companies, he added.

Hard to argue with that strategy, I guess?


So for like a decade we’ve been hearing about how the Fed would never let asset prices fall because rich people hold all the assets and the Fed always helps rich people and that all turned out to be completely false?

I reckon it’s early days yet in terms of Fed efforts to shill but whether it works or not is another story.

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