The TSLA Market / Economy

Sure - I’m not supporting Musk’s offer in any way - it’s more of even shitty people can be right sometimes and while Musk is more shitty, Twitter board aren’t the good guys here.

Totally agree, and that goes for all the social media companies probably. My main point was just about how much mileage Elon is going to get off a non-offer offer, and Fox News as well.

Just a ridiculous time to be alive.

It definitely seems technically possible to filter by #ad and either charge influencers to make sure those posts get through (and maybe even promoted by the algorithm) or charge users to not see sponcon posts. I do think it would be tricky to charge based on how much the celebrity received for that particular post because they might not want to disclose the details of those deals, and also because my understanding is that a fair number of deals are large promotional deals that are a bit more complex than “make 5 posts and we’ll give you $2k”

Filed my taxes last night and woke up to an e-mail saying the return was rejected because someone already filed one using my wife’s SS#.

So today is going to be really fun, starting with trying to talk to ANYBODY at the IRS. Most of the time, the phone system just tells me they are too busy and to fuck off. I finally got to at least sit on hold and spoke with somebody after an hour, only to have them accidentally hang up on me. Now I’ve been on hold another 30 minutes with probably at least another hour to go.

I look forward to having to go to the post office today mail all my shit.

EDIT: Even their special identity theft line is too busy and just boots me.

Annual reminder that this shit is so painful because our entirely democratic congress still has not funded the IRS while super funding militant police departments

It’s even worse given that increasing funding for the IRS more than pays for itself in extra taxes collected.

That’s socialism!

I wasted like 8 hours of my life because the IRS mailed me 2 checks late last year for Advanced Child Tax Credit and then sent a letter indicating I had gotten 3 checks. It took hours to verify my identity and be set up for their web portal and then again to work with their customer service on the phone. I would have been so much better off if there was no advanced payment at all, I would not trade 8 hours of my free time for a couple hundred dollars, but my tax preparer was insistent I need to reconcile the payments with the letter.

At some point it’s probably better to just eat the $500 or whatever, it’s just not worth it to do some of the most enraging possible shit like that. See also, fighting a bullshit medical bill.

Yeah had I known how awful it would be at the start I never would have done it. I am fortunate to have my employer pay a big 5 accounting firm to do my taxes, so I am getting a higher level of support than most people, and still have to deal with this. My tax preparer was like “you need to just call the IRS and ask them if the check is missing, we can’t do it on your behalf”. So I thought it would be one phone call.

Then after calling and waiting 45 minutes to talk to the IRS ACTC help line I was told that I need to first look up the status in their online portal and call back. Sounded easy enough

Then I tried to sign up for the online portal and the ID verification process took hours, which I could complete for a couple weeks because I was in the middle of a passport renewal and had just moved to a different state but not converted my driver license.

All that to learn what I already knew, the IRS sent a 3rd check and post office never delivered it.

In the end the end the missing check came in the mail 3 months late after I had it cancelled and replaced because fuck USPS.

yeah I made the strategic decision to ignore the fact that I sold rsus and capital gains that would have meant that I have to pay another 10k in taxes this year and we’ll see if they figure that out whats the worst that could happen right! I’ll let you know if I can post on UP from jail.

The IRS expects new hiring authority will allow it to bring new employees onboard within 40 to 45 days, rather than several months, to deal with a major backlog of tax returns and correspondence.

The agency received direct hire authority from Congress in the fiscal 2022 spending bill that President Joe Biden signed into law this week.

That spending bill also gave the IRS its highest budget in decades.

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Don’t worry, you rarely need to worry about tax fraud charges because it’s very hard for the IRS to prove that something was deliberate rather than an honest mistake. They’d need something like an explicit statement that the omission was intentional to make the case!

Also, aren’t broker transactions usually 1099’ed these days?


You mean like this?

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Yeah I’m not 100% I even owe this money so um I’ll let them tell me but I’m going to guess that due to our country being a shitshow nothing will come of it at all. Or you know, jail.

Well, finally got a hold of somebody at the IRS late in the morning. Total time on the second try (second try where I actually got put on hold, not the million tries where the system just booted me out) was about 2.5 hours, counting hold and conversations.

Basically, there’s not much I can do about someone filing with my wife’s SS# except file our return on paper, include a special form, and wait. Could take a year. For the state taxes, they (hold time was only a few minutes, somehow) said just file by mail like nothing is wrong and they’ll eventually send us some stuff to fill out.

So took more than half my day to get that taken care of and now we wait until we have to take care of more IRS shit. That, plus calling places to make sure my wife’s identity wasn’t totally stolen (hoping the person is just trying to get tax refunds).

Well, it does feel nicer to get a refund than to shell out a few thousands bucks. That, combined with my Q1 estimated tax payments and credit card bill is making for one fun financial hit this week.

I should start gambling again.

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Last week I finally received checks from the IRS for amended returns for 2017 & 2018 that were mailed in March of 2021.

USA#1, it’s just undeniable!