The TSLA Market / Economy

It’s also approximately one (1) General Motors.

But with the extra benefit of partnering with an erratic man child. You can’t put a price on that!


I’m supposed to teach an Executive MBA class this fall for the first time in a few years. I’m dreading/excited to see how much of the classroom conversation involves STONKS in this new Muskocene period.


Not sure if you saw this @spidercrab, I know you had been keeping tabs on Munger’s position in BABA.

So musk is just trying to get one more pump in and a middle finger to the SEC before dumping. If they decline his offer, he will say ‘i told you if you declined I’d sell.’ Even though he’s probably selling as we speak. If they accept his offer, he’ll either come up with some other demands that torpedo the deal, say something has changed, or offer up Tesla stock. He is never buying twitter imo.

He has a financing contingency, I think, and there is no way he gets financing. This seems highly unlikely to close.

Elon buying twitter will pump twitter and TSLA stock for no actual reality based reason. What invested people would be against it.

TSLA 3xed or something idiotic on a stock split. Hitching your wagon to them as a board member or executive is the best thing you can do if you value yachts and billion dollar estates.

But if he takes the company private, and you partner with him in doing that, then you can’t benefit from irrational market exuberance anymore. You’d have an interest in the actual profitability of the enterprise, except of course for the possibility of going public again in 3 months because Elon gets bored again and wants some attention.

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Invite them here!

shit let’s just sell it to gab if elon isn’t interested. then we’ll all move back to 22

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I’ll need at least $100 to pay off the bet I lose if I ever post on 2p2 again. Does Gab have that kind of liquidity? :)

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Yeah, made me feel better about not giving in to the temptation to ride Munger’s coattails.

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Warren Buffett interview - dude is still alert at 91.

Mrs. Spidercrab constantly reminds me that he’s super old and we’re going to lose all of our money when he steps down (she’s less polite when she says it).

Edit: I regret to inform you that Buffett is complimentary of Elon Musk around 43 minutes in.

WTF is going on with Nasdaq right now?

I don’t even think the market can muster another dead cat bounce that gets SPY up to 455. I really feel things are finished for a while.

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The FED and the government were afraid that covid was going to cause a deflationary death spiral so they provided stimulus/liquidity/low interest rates. Instead, all that money and liquidity ended up competing for a smaller number of goods.

It seems like we get a big run every time you make one of these posts.

I just happened to open my gmail spam folder and found that a Matt Levine newsletter had been classified as spam. What the actual fuck, google?

Edit: I almost missed this because of google!

Still I imagine that Twitter’s bankers at Goldman Sachs will sit down with Musk’s bankers at Morgan Stanley and Goldman will say “so uh where’s the financing coming from” and Morgan Stanley will say “oh the financing is in this can” and hand Goldman a can and Goldman will open the can and a bunch of fake snakes will pop out. “AAAHHH,” Goldman will scream, and then they will chuckle and say “oh Elon, you got us again” and everyone will have a good laugh. Because, again, uniquely among public-company CEOs, Elon Musk has in the past pretended he was going to take a public company private with pretend financing! I am not saying that he’s joking now; I am just saying he’s the only person who has ever made this particular joke in the past.

Feel like I have obvious damages and standing for a suit.

Well this sucks. Stockdaddy is closing unexpectedly. Anyone else know a stock tracker that shows you a view like this? I just want to see % up/down on the day. I don’t want to have to enter amounts that I own. Seems like I tried a few and they didn’t quite do what I want.

There was one time when we were children, he transformed himself into a snake, and he knows that I love snakes. So, I went to pick up the snake to admire it and he transformed back into himself and he was like, “Yeah, it’s Elon Musk!” And he stabbed me.